Your My Only Hope

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    Yunlan is loosing hope in getting out seeing Da quing  have lost concious  when the professor took his power.

   While the other teens are crying and wanted to get out. "Are he going to eat us?!" One of them ask. That made the other  worried and shout for help. "His crazy! His gonna kill us like our guardians!" Yunlan shout at them to not loose hope.

    When suddenly  Shen Wei  shout at him from below, "Ah Lan! I'm  here! I'm coming to get you out!" Yunlan look down below. "Xiao Wei!!! The keys it's  in the left side quickly. While Shen Wei  and Yezun are busy unlocking  the   cages of the prisoners, the Jiejie  of Da quing  told them that she made a portal at the back of the tower for the kids to get out.

    Meanwhile, "Da Ji so you came?! Pretty brave your the only one here? Where are the others?!" When Von Claude about to turn back. Da Ji use her power. "Don't  mock me! I'm much older than you! Return the children  back to their home! As well they're  guardians! They have  nothing to do what happen to your master!" She shout.

    Von Claude laugh, "Really?! Nothing.....nothing?!!! They just watch when my dear master died! It's  because of them I lost my Yinyin! She means everything  to me! When I lost my guardianship to her, I never complain! Just silently watch her eventhough  she cried trying to find me! It broke my heart everyday! But still I obeyed them. But when she died.....I cannot just stand still! They didn't  even lay a finger to help her!!!"
He cried.

    "Claude! It's  her faith to die that day! The high councils can't  do anything.  They are also abide by the rules!" Von Claude  suddenly  laugh like a mad man, "That rules! Well I will be the rules! And I say to get rid of all councilors  and the guardians!

   And I  will make my own guardians and rules!" Da Ji suddenly  use her power again to subdue him. But Von Claude is much stronger than her. He easily knock her on the ground! Yes! I want more power! More power!" He shout and tried to absorb her power. When suddenly  a spear was thrusted  at his back. "No one touches my jiejie or he will pay the consequence!!!" Shouted Da quing.

   "You fool! You think a mere spear will kill me!!!" He hit Da quing  on the ground and pulled  out the spear and  thrown the spear to Da quing. Yezun block it with a shield they seen at the tower. But the impact still thrown Yezun at the ground also. Shen Wei  seeing his didi being hurt.  He hit Von Claude  a rock at the back. "Mere human! Don't  make me laugh!"

   He suddenly  grabbed  Shen Wei  by the throat and about to choke  him. When Yunlan slashed  his hand by the spear he howl in pain and dropping Shen Wei  on the ground. "You little insect!" Yunlan was about to swing again the spear when it was thrown by the other hand of Von Claude, while his wrist grown another hand with a claw.

   He suddenly  gripped  Yunlan's  hand  and lift him up. "No!!! Shout Da quing  and bite Von Claude  hand hard. "His my best friend! I won't  let you hurt him!" Da Ji who just woke up seeing the horror that Von Claude  is draining Yunlan's  life force.  While his other hand trying to tear off Da quing's head. "No!!! Claude! His Yinyin's son!" She shout.

   Von Claude stop and look  at her, "What?!!!" As he thought his misheard it. "She's  Yinyin's child! Stop what are doing!!!"  Von Claude  never seen what's  coming as the spear that about to hit his head by Shen Wei. When it slashed  it's  head off. "No one hurts  my wife!!!" Shout Shen Wei.  The head was thrown at the nearby  river and his hand dropped  Yunlan whose hair almost got white.

    "Ah Lan!!!" Shen Wei  quickly went to his unconcious  wife and trying to wake him up. Da quing  loose his bite on Von Claude's  arm and quickly check Yunlan's  life force. Yezun went behind him as well as Da Ji. Suddenly  the high councilors  came and took Von Claude's  body before it disintegrate.

   "Help my friend! He almost out of breath!" Da quing  pleaded to the high councilors  who also checked  Yunlan's  life force. "We cannot! His dying we can't  alter  what Von Claude's  done!"
Shen Wei  widen his eyes and cluthches  Yunlan tightly in his arms. "No! Please! I don't  want to loose my wife! His  so young and we have many dreams to build!" As Shen Wei  cried.

    "Can you give my life force to Yunlan instead?" Suddenly  Sarah emerge from behind. "Child? Why do you want to exchange your life for his?" One of the councilor ask. "Because I have no one! I'm an orphan and no friends only Jack! Please! I want to be with Jack again! If you gave my life force to Yunlan I can see him again!" And approach  Yunlan whose panting for air. She kissed  his head and look at Shen Wei.

   "Don't  worry! I will make your wife live again!" And wipe Shen Wei's  tears. She look at the high councilors as she signal them that she's  ready. One of the high councilors took her hand and the other to Yunlan. Suddenly  a brilliant light emerge from her hand and Yunlan's. "Sleep my child and you will see your best friend again!"

   As Sarah close her eyes, she saw his best friend  in a white and brown cat form playing in the garden with the butterflies,  "Sarah! What are you doing here?" He suddenly  change into a young man. "Jack! I came for you! And I won't  leave your side again!" She hugged  him tightly. "What do you mean? Is it true?! You'll  be with me forever?!" Sarah nod her head. Jack was so happy  and lift her up and twirl around as they laugh loud.

   Back to reality, Sarah died. The high councilors  decided that she would be buried beside his beloved friend Jack.

    "Ah Lan! Please wake up!" Shen Wei  shake him up. Cute brown eyes suddenly  woke up, "Xiao Wei! What happened?" Shen Wei  quickly  hugged  his wife and cried. Da quing  is quite happy and sad at the same time. His happy Yunlan his best friend is alive and sad because he needs to leave him for he violate another orders of the council when his identity  is revealed and power. "Good bye my dear friend!" But Yezun blocked him when his about to leave. "I won't  allowed it!!!" He shout to him.

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