My Dozen Children

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   In the next few years, after Yunlan gave birth and graduate from school. Him and Shen Wei  needed to go back to their country.

    Shen Wei  was to lead their company while Yunlan his. Lin Jing and Guo was employed by Shen Wei's  company. And both waiting for the plane to land in the country.  "I'm a bit sorry for Yunlan for marrying a guy! Because of it they don't  have a child. Unlike us, Hong gave me my beautiful Shang shang!" And gave her picture to Guo.

   Guo frown to him a little  as he also  married a man, that's  its Chu whose finding a surrogate  mother  so they can have children as well. "Mr. Shen never need a child! Yunlan is enough for him!" He boast to Lin Jing. "Fine! As you say!" Said Lin Jing.

   When the private plane landed, both are surprise, children kept bursting out.
"What's  going on?! Why they're  many children!!!" Shout Lin Jing. "Children behave!!!!" Shout Yunlan who have a little  bump on his stomach at his side Shen Wei  helping him to get down  at the stairs of the plane.

   "This is your fault! Da quing  said never to touch me!" Shen Wei  arch his brow. "Isn't  it you who jump at me when I came home from work?!" Said Shen Wei.  While they're  arguing the newly wed Yezun and Da quing  came tailing behind with the nannies of the children. "Honey! When will have a children like them?!" Ask Yezun.

   "What?! We just  got married?! And you want kids right away?! No way! Let's  enjoy having  fun with one another!" Said Da quing  as he wave to Guo and Lin Jing. "Do you build an orphanage! Why many children?" Ask Lin Jing. One of the children Yun yun stumped  on Lin Jing's  foot making him shout.  "Yun yun! How many times I told you not to hurt anyone!" Shout Yunlan.

   "Mama! He told us were adopted! Bad man!" Yun yun frown. "Hey! His your uncle Lin Jin! And he didn't  know your  my child! So apologize  to him!" Yunlan made him bow to Lin Jin who also apologize to him because he can't  believe  Yunlan can bear a child.

   "But  how did you do it! And they're  eleven?!" Ask Guo. "Twelve actually! It's  Xiao Wei's  fault! I'm pregnant again!" Making Guo and Lin Jing shocked. "Oh! My god your pregnant again!" Lin Jing tried to touch his tummy when Shen Wei  blocked  it.

   "Not! On my watch!"  Lin Jing apologize  to his boss. They  forgot how Shen Wei  is easily get jealous. "But a dozen!!! Will he still be jealous  having a dozen kids from Yunlan! This I can't  believe  it!" Said Lin Jing to himself. And all look like Shen Wei  but not the naughty Yun yun who look more like Yunlan.

   Yun yun suddenly  saw the picture of Shang shang. "Papa! Look!" As he took the picture from Lin Jing. "She's  cute! I want her for my wife!" Suddenly  his siblings  all said, "Ewww!!! Gege likes girls!" All of them tease him. Making every adulst shocked. Yunlan pinched  Yun yun's ear. "Little  brat! Give back that picture to your uncle!" Making everybody laugh.

   "Well....well my son to be will have a master now!" Said Da quing to himself as he look at Yun yun. "The first born of Yunlan and Shen Wei.  How interesting." But he was surprised  that Yezun is listening  what his whispering.  "I don't  want my child to be a servant of his cousin!" Da quing  hit him on shoulder. "That's  our purpose in this world. "Don't  worry! His luck is also the luck of his master! Just like me in having you as my husband!" Making Yezun look puzzle.

    When they came to Zhao's  Mansion.
Xin ci  and Isabella  welcome them with open arms. As they overwhelmed  by many children. The nannies tried to control them. But the shout of Yunlan can only tame the little  angels or you may say gremlins. For when they're  parents turn their back. Yun yun is leading his siblings to make trouble. Making the mansion wreck. Xin ci never seen his son blow in steam in anger when the little  one makes trouble. "Oh! Motherhood!" He told himself.

    As Mr. Shen came as well to visit his grandchildren as well his son and daughter in law. That made the children quiet and attentive  as they saw him. They bow and greet him and take their respective sits. "Wow! The children have big respect in you!" Chuckled Xin ci. "Yes! For they know what will come next if they don't!" Both grandfather laugh and talk.

    "Look! How nice Dad can finally talk peacefully  with your father!" Said Yunlan to Shen Wei  while rubbing his tummy. "Yes!" While embracing Yunlan from behind. "I thought we will only have one child not this many!" And kiss his plump lips. As they all live happily ever after........ "Yun yun! Don't  run around and break any vase!!!! *Bleep....bleeep!!!" Shout Yunlan.




     Thank you for my lovely readers and commentors  as I finished this I will continue my other stories. Thank  You again😘💋💋💋💋


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