Ch.1 What a lovely day

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Izuku Pov:

"Ahhh~ the sky looks so blue today not a single cloud in the sky, the sun is also shining brightly as well what a lovely day to be alive...."

As I am laying on the floor looking up at the wonderful blue sky, when my Ex-childhood best friend and his underlings are beating the living daylight out of me for no good reason nothing then something I have no control over...

It's just a normal Monday really

" This is so unfair! Why do you have to be all sunny and warm when I am here getting my season 13 episode 3 of a daily beating! Why can't you be all cloudy and rainy?! Are you also that happy seeing me suffer?! "

I mean at this point I can't really feel much pain anymore, having explosions thrown at you daily do that to you. This has become my daily life since I was at the age of 4...

I was labelled as quirkless 9 years ago...

9 years since I was seen as another human being...

9 years since I last have a friend or a family...

9 years since dad when to get some milk and till this day he's still have not to return and after that, mother...I mean Inko becomes another person. I mean she still feeds me and all but she no longer loves me or sees me as her son anymore...

" Fucking Deku! You're so useless! " Say my ex-childhood friend now my bully Bakugou Katsuki, but I like to call him Kacchan.

You may ask why I still call him by our silly childhood nickname. Well I know he hates it when I call him that so takes it as my sad little attempt at fighting back.

" You're so fucking useless that even your dad doesn't want you! " He announces as his underling laugh at his word.

" Useless " kick

" Quirkless " kick

" Ugly " kick

" Faggot " kick

" Deku " kick

" Freak " kick

They just keep going at it and for each word or name they call me they kick my body. Soon I start to see red then nothing, the last thing I hear was my first love whisper something that will haunt me for my life.

" Oh right~ Deku if you want to be with me so badly and become a hero then why don't take a swan dive off the roof? Maybe then you will have a quirk and become someone worth my love. "


As I open my eyes again the school has already ended, it looks like I have skipped another day of school thanks to Kacchan.

" Stupid sky still being all sunny and happy as if me getting hurt it a good thing. God, why do you hate me that much?"

My body is aching all over the place, but somehow Kacchan is in a good mood today since he did not use his quirk on me at all. Maybe it has to do with the new spicy food place that just opens today.

I slowly get up and limp to my bag just to see the notebook I've just finished last night all burn up, and the pages are all over the place. I pick them up and hold them close to my chest as a few tears fall from my eyes, all that hard work is all gone just like that...

I put it back in my bag maybe I can try and copy it into a new one again.

I take out the bandage I have in there since me getting hurt is a daily thing now, so I pack them in my bag so I can take care of the wound and bandage it.

" Stupid Kacchan! What kind of hero would bully others and tell them to kill themselves! What will you do if I tell your mum about this!... She mostly will kick your ass for it. " Yes, I am pouting on the roof of my school about my bully let me be!

Soon I am all fixed up well as fix as I can be, and limping my way down the stairs and making my way home. Today I have taken the long way back because I don't want to bump into Kacchan and his underling again, I have enough beating already. As I slowly limp under a bridge I hear a voice

" Oya oya oya what do we have here? A medium-size human suit is not the best but I'll take it. " Then a big ass DIY slime went wrong drop onto me, and trying to get inside me though my mouth what is this hentai?! It hurt so much and so painful is this what death is like?

I'm losing my consciousness pretty fast and before I pass out I see someone running over is that...

" All Might? "

Then I black out mostly from the lack of air, but I know I will be fine since All Might is here to save me how can I not be safe when the number 1 hero is here.


I have no idea how long I have been vibe checking with God for but I feel someone slap my cheek softly. I ignore it the first few times but they keep on doing it so I end up opening my eyes just to see, All Might looking right at me so I did what anyone would do I screamed like a fangirl.

" Ah! I see you're awake young man thanks to you I manage to catch this evil villain! " He smiles and shows me the slime inside a bottle who look really uncomfortable in there...

" I should be thanking you All Might for saving me! I'm one of your biggest fans! p..please can I ask for your autograph?! " I ask happily as I open my notebook for him

" Well of course! I am always happy to meet a fan. " He smiles again as he signs my notebook!! I can't believe it! My favourite hero of all time is here!! Maybe just maybe he'll see something different, I mean he did say everyone can be a hero.

" All Might you think I can become a hero just like you when I grow up? " I ask

" Well, of course, young man! Everyone can become a hero!! " he answered

" Even if I'm quirkless? " I ask looking up at him hoping and wishing he will say yes but he did not...

he just starts laughing at me like everyone else

" Hahahahahaha! Of course not! There is no way a quirkless person can be a hero. I mean they are so useless that most places wouldn't even take them. " He just keeps laughing in my face...

As I stand there with my very last hope broken, so even the no.1 hero is just like everyone else...

I walk away from the laughing hero who doesn't even know I was gone since he was too busy laughing at me. So I just keep on walking to God know where...

All I can hear is All Might laughing and Kacchan word over and over again. Laughing at me making fun of me then I stop and find myself in the wood that Kacchan and I used to play in.

Today is the worst day of my life...

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