Kissing Him

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Draco's POV

Over the next few weeks Harry and I began to visit the Room of Requirement more often.

The room is almost never guarded anymore, so its growing easier to sneak in every day. Maybe the guards are realizing that Umbridge is full of sh*t, or maybe Pansy and Blaise threatened them. Whatever the reason is, I'm grateful.

Most of the time Harry and I go by ourselves. I change out of the animagus form, and we talk for a few hours, before Harry has to head to bed. We do anything from gossip to helping with homework. Harry really is awful at potions.

Over the time we've spent together, Harry has started to act differently. Not in a bad way, he seems almost more... comfortable? Like, when we're working on his Transfiguration homework, he's a lot more touchy then normal, placing his head on my shoulder to get a better look at what I'm writing. Then the last time we visited the room, after I turned back into my human form, he gave me a hug. There's nothing wrong with getting a hug, but it does seem abrupt. If I remember correctly, not a three months ago he barely wanted to look at me.

It's Easter, and Harry, Hermione, and Weasley, along with the rest of the Gryffindors that stayed at Hogwarts are all enjoying the feast. Normally, I would be back at the Manor, but times have changed, and honestly, holidays at home were lonely anyway. Instead, I'm in a book bag in my bloody ferret animagus form, hungry as hell.

Harry promised that we would go to the Room of Requirement after the feast, but I severely underestimated how long the feast is. Time passes so much slower during meals when you can't eat anything. Damn, I miss Hogwarts meals.

It seems like forever before Harry finally excuses himself from the feast. Waving his friends goodbye, he exits the Great Hall, and begins to venture down the empty corridors.

When we finally arrive at the Room of Requirement, I leap out of the bag I was previously in. After quickly changing back into a human, fully clothed I may add, Harry and I settle down on the sofa.

Before long Harry tackles me with a hug. His hug is tight, and I find myself laughing. He pulls away after a few moments, and we just smile at each other.

"How was the feast?" I ask him.

Harry's face immediately lights up. "Oh it was amazing! I'd dare say I had a few too many treacle tarts."

I laugh lightly at his response, rolling my eyes playfully. "Of course you did."

"And I can't believe Snape is making us do homework over a holiday!" Harry complains.

"And you'll be wanting help with it?" I offer.

"Duh," Harry sighs, "You know I'm trash at potions, don't rub salt in the wound."

I smile, and Harry yawns beside me. All of a sudden, the other boy's head is on the shoulder.

My breath hitches. What is he doing?!

"You're comfy," Harry mumbles sleepily.

I freeze. What is going on? Why is he leaning on me? Why is he this close to me?

"You know you're pretty right?" Harry says softly, angling his head so that he's looking up at me.


"Cause you are." He finishes, staring into my eyes.

I blush a bright, the remaining blood in my system all flowing to my inflamed cheeks. D-does he like me? How did this happen? Does he know about the mate thing?

Before I'm completely aware whats happening, I feel a pair of lips on mine. Instinctively, I kiss back. Holy sh*t he's kissing me! Harry is kissing me! My mate is kissing me.

My whole body seems to hum with satisfaction, the vampire in me feeling very pleased to have my mate this close. F*ck this isn't happening.

Within seconds it's over. The two of us stare at each other in shock. Neither of us move for several minutes still trying to soak it all in. That just happened!

Harry is the first one to break the silence. "Do you still need..."

I nod silently, and a few seconds later I'm licking the blood off of Harry's wrist. I'm still buzzing by the time I pull away.

"Y-you should probably be getting back to your friends," I murmur, and the boy beside me nods in silent agreement.

Minutes later I'm back to being a ferret in Harry's book bag.

F*ck that just happened. He kissed me! He actually kissed me! But he still doesn't know he's my mate. I hope that he won't be too mad...

Harry's POV

I honestly have no idea what came over me.

I had far too many treacle tarts at the Easter feast, causing me to crash. My energy just disappeared, and I suddenly felt really tired. So, I rested my head on Draco's shoulder.

After coming to terms with my crush on the vampire, I've been acting differently towards him, and I think he's noticed. I'm far more touchy, and we spent a lot more time together. Honestly, it's been nice. When we're together, it's just the two of us, and the world of problems and Dark Lords fades into the background.

I walk aimlessly through the corridors, not really caring about where I'm going, just letting my feet carry me. I kissed Draco! And he kissed back!

The kiss was just how I'd imagined it. Perfect. I was, however, surprised at how quickly Draco responded, and began to kiss back. Did he have a crush on me too? Or is he just being nice?

He obviously likes me back, or he wouldn't have responded that quickly. Right?

I sigh, and wander back towards Gryffindor tower.

Once I step into the Common Room, I find it empty aside from Hermione. She hears me enter, and immediately hops up from the chair she was previously sitting on.

"There you are!" She says, engulfing me in a hug.


She steps back, and looks at me. A knowing smirk creeps onto her face.

"Willing to share?"

"I kissed him," The words tumble out of me, "I kissed Draco Malfoy."

Words: 1040

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