Chapter Eighteen

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Once we were finally home, I saw Zayn waiting by the door. He strolled up and opened my car door. Finally calming down a little, I hopped out and hugged him.

"I called management. We should talk in private." He shot a glance towards Micheal.

"Let's get everything loaded into the house, then we can talk."

*Fourty-five Minutes Later*

"Thanks, bro. Love you." Embracing my younger brother, I said my goodbyes.

"Love you, too, sis." He let me go and jumped into his car.

"I'll call you later this week. Okay?"

"Okay, text me tonight, would you? Tell me what happens." Micheal drove off, leaving Zayn and I alone in the driveway.

"What's the plan?" I questioned, my eyes pleading for an answer.

"Management wants us to do a livestream to clear up any rumors.

You have to get a Twitter for promotional reasons, and they want us to have a meeting in the next couple of days to talk about the game plan." He explained, giving me time for it to soak in.

"Okay," I spoke slowly. "when are we having the livestream?"

"Simon just posted it on Twitter. It's in fifteen minutes." My gasp was easily audible.

"Okay, set it up. I need to get ready." We kissed quickly and he headed towards the dining room, where the laptop was. Taking my time, I went into the bathroom. A single tear rolled down my face and my chest heaved up and down.

Honestly, I had no idea how Zayn did this. The fame, the fans, the press, it was all so much. Knowingly, I was about to talk to millions of fans, half of which hated my guts for being with Zayn, and the rest thought I was a slut.

"Babe, you done? We have five minutes." I took a breath before answering.

"Yeah, I just need a couple minutes more." Quickly, I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. Tying my hair back in a messy braid, I exited the bathroom.

"Okay, you ready, my beauty?" Zayn asked when I took my seat next to him.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I kissed his cheek gently before he opened the livestream.

"Just breath. You'll be fine." He squeezed my hand and clicked begin.

Instantly, the amount of viewers flew up. Hundreds, thousands, more people than I had ever known.

"Hi, guys! How are you, tonight?" Zayn smiled, charmingly.

Reading through the comments, I mentally zoned out. Many of them were normal responses. "Great", "I love you, Zayn", although some were more blunt. "Who's that?", "Is that your girlfriend?", "Where has Harry been?".

"I hope your all your days' are going well. Mine has been pretty great, which is why I'm sharing my happiness with you guys through a livestream." He answered so confidently.

"I see many of you are wondering who this beautiful girl next to me is. Well, for those of you who have been reading Perez or PopCrush may have seen her picture around. I'm here to clear up some of those rumors that you may have heard."

Gulping, I prepared for his answer.

"This is Mia. She is my lovely, gorgeous girlfriend." He left time for the responses to fly in.

Most of them were of generally shock, and there were quite of few angry responses. I guess I would be if I was in their position. Imagine being so in love with somebody (who, to be fair, didn't actually know you) and then finding out they were already dating someone.

"Babe, would you like to say hi?" Zayn turned to me, honest curiosity in his eyes.

"Hi everybody." I smiled shyly, wishing I could just run off screen.

Once again, responses flew in. Even though there were mean ones, there were quite a few sweet ones, too. @MsGillian45 wrote: OMG she's such a cutie! I'm happy for you two!

"Thanks @MsGillian45." I smiled once again, a little more confidently.

"As you might have heard, Mia is pregnant. I'll be giving you guys more news about that coming up soon. Right now, I'm trying to just be with my lovely girlfriend, but the boys and I are working on some music for the next album. Hopefully, there will be more details in the next couple months. I'm so excited to be making music and spending some quality time with the people I care about. I love you guys and goodnight!"

He signed off and we both let go of the breath we were holding.


So the world knows! I hope you liked the chapter and I'll be working on the next one very soon, hopefully I cab get it to you guys by next Friday.

Also, as all of you know, Zayn has quite 1D and we are all crying eternal tears. Right now, I plan to not have this affect the story, but we'll see how things go.

If you have any ideas for the next chapter, I welcome suggestions! Message me or comment below.


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