The Camp Othrys

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AN: A short break before the drama begins. The calm before the storm.

Time: The next day

Percy flashed right outside the former Camp Half-Blood, now the first branch of Camp Othrys, which was spread all across the world. In every major city.

The day was well on its way. The sun shined brightly overhead, taking away a bit of the chill that the weather carried. A slight fog still hung about in the Camp, creating a white haze in a few areas. It being mid-November, a slight drizzle added to his discomfort. Not a soul was in sight, all the demigods still comfortably tucked away under their sheets.

Not if Percy had anything to say about it.

A stepped up beside the dragon that guarded the golden fleece, Peleus. On one of the lower branches of the pine tree that was Thalia, the gilded leathery fleece glinted back at him.

Percy patted Peleus' leathery neck, and the dragon put its head at the Titan's feet, recognising him as Lord of all animals, mythical or not. Percy absentmindedly scratched the sharp, black scales on its head, as he watched the deserted Camp. The dragon purred in comfort, steam curling up from its nostrils. It arched its scaly, snake-like neck to nuzzle the Titan, who laughed and patted his snout. His claw, each as large as a dagger, left marks on the ground where he pawed at it in pleasure. The spines on his back arched, forming a perfect sail, the skin that stretched between them catching the rays of sunlight, and appearing shiny white, like opal.

Percy left its side to step into the Camp, heading towards the renovated Big House.

Now, the House was more like the Senate Chamber of New Rome, with added accommodations for Chiron, Iapetus, and the two praetors, one Roman and one Greek to ensure harmony. An entire wing was dedicated to the Greek Oracle, a clear-sighted mortal called Rachel Elizabeth Dare, who was much more nice and reliable than the Roman augur.

Percy stepped into the white marble building, making his way to the living areas. His leather combat boots formed not a sound on the soft carpet as he hurried along, hugging himself tightly to keep the cold out. He only had a thin coat on over his shirt, he had not assumed that it would be so cold. It wasn't so cold back home at Ogygia. He ran his fingers through his hair, showing his nervousness. After all, today was an important day.

Today was the beginning of the end of his hard work. A few examinations conducted by the Titan Council, and then he would be free to pass time as he wanted.

Provided he and his work passed in all of them.

He entered the common room, where an equally nervous Iapetus paced back and forth in front of the dying fire. The common room was nothing much, and it was mostly used by Rachel only. It had a large television and speakers for music and movies, and couches to lounge about.

"Are you ready?" Iapetus was shaken out of his thoughts by Percy's soft voice. His words did not betray his nervousness. The silver-haired Titan schooled his features to appear emotionless. "Yes."

"Is the conference room ready?"

"The projector is ready, and everything will be available once the guests arrive. Delicacies will be distributed in the middle of the conference, I've arranged everything else. The only thing that remains is for the Powerpoint presentation that you made."

"I have it right here." Percy held up a small pen drive, shaped like Nemo. He paused for a few moments, letting his foster father settle his nerves, before continuing. "I have done everything I could in this small time. This affects me as much as it does you. Don't worry, the demigods and demititans are absolutely ready."

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