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116 years ago...

In the Southern air temple, an airbender named Kenzo and his loving firebender wife, Akiko, sat on the fountain next to the edge of the cliff. Kenzo wore the traditional orange robes of his culture. He had no hair, but an arrow painted on his head and body. Akiko wore her traditional fire nation robes that were red with gold trims at the ends. Her long (h/c) blowing in the wind while they were watching the sunset. They watched the sky, presenting the two lovers with it's beautiful colours. Kenzo and Akiko looked down to a blanket showing their newly born child in their arms, feeling like they were the luckiest couple in the world.

"Honey?" Kenzo hummed in response, "we still have to name our daughter," his grey eyes looked to his partner, then to his love's creation with loving eyes. "Well, I have a feeling she would do something that will change this world..." he began. Akiko (e/c) pools looked at him with a smile that he can tell she felt the same way. "So, it would have to be something special." he finished with his arms holding his family to him. "I think I have a name." Akiko answered, they looked down to meet their beautiful child's curious (e/c) orbs. The baby gave a gummy smile to her parents, the adults smiled back while her mum told her spouse and child the name she believes will go down in history.



Hi guys! 

Well here is the prologue, hope you like it. This will be a trilogy book series. This book is made in honour of me reaching 10 followers. And I'm so happy and thankful of you guys!

Chapter 1 is in the making and will come out soon. Please vote on this and comment.

See you all soon, bye 👋

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