6•Faking Sick

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Abby's POV

Today is Friday and right now I am asleep and Darry came in "Abby wake up" Darry said. "I dont feel good" I said and Darry felt my forehead "You dont feel hot" Darry said. "My stomach hurts" I whined "Okay I'll stay home with you today" Darry said. "I thought you have work" I asked "I do but your sick" Darry said "Darry go to work I'll call if I need you" I said. "I dont know" Darry said "Darry I'll be fine" I said "Alright but call if you need me" Darry said. "It's a promise" I said "Okay I'll check on you around lunch" Darry said. "Okay" I said and Darry left my room and Darry came back with some water. "I will call around lunch and Soda will be home around three" Darry said. Then Soda came in "Darry come on or I will be late" Soda said "Okay love you Abby" Darry said. "Love you to" I said and they left and I got dressed. I actually faked sick so I can go around town without anyone because Darry wont let me walk alone. I got my switchblade and some money from Darry's room and I got a baseball cap. I went to a fast food truck and I got a water and I went to the DX and I got a bag of chips. I went to the counter and lucky Steve was at the counter. "Just the one bag" Steve asked "Ya" I said "Okay that's one dollar" Steve said. I gave Steve the money then Soda came in from the garage. "Hey young lady you new to this part of town" Soda asked "No" I said and I ran out of there. I ran to my room and I got changed into my pajamas that I wore the night before. The front door opened "Abby" Soda yelled and I went downstairs "Hey" I said. Soda gave me a sandwich and we ate "How was work" I asked. "Good but this girl came in and when I asked her if she was new to town she just ran out of the DX" Soda said. "Really" I asked "Yep and me and Steve were very confused" Soda said. "Why" I asked "That she ran out when I tried to ask her something" Soda said. "Maybe she was nervous about meeting new people" I said. "Possibly because I was like that" Soda said and we finished eating "That was good" I said. "Ya that was" Soda said "Tell Steve I say hi" I said. "Okay I'll be back at three" Soda said "Love you see you later" I said "Love you to" Soda said. Soda left and I played You could be mine on my boombox that is in my room. Two hours later Darry came in my room "Hey Abby how are you feeling" Darry asked. "Good" I said "Okay so I have a question" Darry said "What is it" I asked. "What did you do today" Darry asked "Watched TV" I said and Darry saw a bag of chips on my desk. "Where did you get these they weren't here this morning" Darry asked. "The pantry" I said "I dont remember having Lays chips in the pantry" Darry said. "Just say that you know I was faking" I said "I didn't know that" Darry said. "What" I asked "I didn't know you were faking" Darry said "Sorry" I said. "Get up" Darry said and I stood up "Pants down now" Darry said. I took my pants off and Darry bent me over his lap "Twenty" Darry said and I felt his belt on my butt.
Darry picked me up and put me in his lap "I'm sorry" I said crying "I know calm down" Darry said. Darry rubbed my back "I wont do it again" I said "I know you wont" Darry said. "Sorry" I said "I know all is forgiven" Darry said "Can we watch a movie" I asked. "Sure you pick" Darry said and we watched Goodfellas in his room. "Cool" I said "I had a feeling you would like it" Darry said. After the movie Soda came in "Hey Abby so I heard you skipped school" Soda said. "Sorry" I said "It's okay" Soda said "Darry" Pony yelled. "I'm in my room" Darry yelled and Pony came in with Johnny and Dally. "Can we go to the dingo" Dally asked "Sure be back by ten" Darry said. "Okay" Johnny said and they left "Abby where you the girl at the DX" Soda asked. "Yes" I said "Okay I knew you looked familiar" Soda said "Two-Bit that's my cake" Steve yelled. We went downstairs "What happened" Soda asked "Two-Bit took my cake" Steve said. "Not true" Two-Bit said "You guys are acting like babies" I said. Steve started wrestling with me "Let me go" I said "Take it back" Steve said. "Get off" I said "Steve get off her" Soda said and Steve got off of me. I got ready for bed and Darry came in "Time for bed" Darry said and I got in bed. "Love you Darry" I said "Love you to" Darry said and Soda came in. "Night Abby I love you" Soda said "Night love you to" I said and I fell asleep.

Abby Lynn CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now