A Hunter's Mind

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"Mama when is Daddy coming home?" I ask.

"I don't Know Baby." she answers while tucking me in.

"Is he still hunting? When I grow up and get strong I'm going to hunt monsters Like him." I grin.

"I'm sure he will make sure of it Baby. You're father's family have been hunters for generation. Go to sleep Baby. It's late." She sighs.

"I'm not a Baby anymore Mama. I'm five." I huff.

"You will always be my Baby." she smiles and kisses my forehead. I grunt an attempted imitation of my father. She just rolls her eyes. I watch her leave. She shuts off my light. Before shutting my door. She whispers. "I love you, goodnight. She disappears leaving the door cracked open.

I hear a window break and my Mama scream. I'm so scared I might pee. I get up and go downstairs anyway. Halfway down I see The monster he has a wolf face but he stands on two legs. My Mama is on her knees between him and my two year old baby brother. She's begging him not to hurt her baby. He growls his eyes glow with rage. He huffs and grunts. He pushes my Mama to the ground. She is fighting him. The monster is so strong. I run rushing him. He turns catching me with one clawed hand around my Throat. He squeezes. I struggle but I feel sleepy. I wake next to my brother in his playpen. My face burns where his claws had cut me. I try to keep my brother from crying. The monster is sniffing around our cabin. Don't want him to notice us again. Mama is trying to sneak closing to us. The monster roars. He can't find what or who he's looking for. He Comes back to my mother. She freezes. He sniffs her all over. He shoves his muzzle between her legs. She tries to push him away. I see his eyes they still glow they seem different now. I watch him claw at her. Her clothes are cut up. She is fighting him punching at him. It doesn't stop him. He makes her open her legs. I hide my face against my little brother. I hear her scream. Then her whimpers. I'm not big enough to save save her. If my Daddy was here he would have shot him. I will tell them my Mama fought she is no wolf lover. He wouldn't let the men put her down.

"When I get big I'm gonna kill you, all of you." I sob. I think I hear him leave. I look up and look around. He's gone. Mama is too. "Mamaaaa!"


"Father." I whisper. The dying man opens his eyes. He had been a strong hunter once. My Father had hunted all the cursed things that walked this earth. Everything from vampire to demon spawn. Now he is just a weak old man, who never got his revenge.

"Son don't forget." he whispers and coughs.

"I won't Father. I have a new plan to start a war. It will be glorious. This time we will lay waste to all shifters." I say low. I squeeze his hand gently. He smiles. He closes his eyes and with a few more breaths He's gone. I sit with him awhile longer. I'm feeling very little grief. There hadn't been any love between us. My father had been to harsh for that. We had a grudging respect for one another that was it. The women will come to prepare him soon. I sit remembering my first hunt. I was only fifteen. I took out my first wolf berserker. He had come straight for me. I put a bullet in his brain. He dropped at my feet. My Father was so proud. My prowess as hunter is what pleased my father. I still wear the things canines on a necklace around my neck. I will eventually wear the beast's canines that killed my mother. Maybe even Mr. Nikki Sixx's canines. When this war begins His notoriety won't save him from the hunter's bullet. I've been ordered to stay away from him and his get. Even though I found one of his bastards awakened. Poor Boy's Mother was so proud she had bedded Nikki and got herself a Sixx bastard. He was easy to find. Even proved it with DNA that he had turned. They still won't let me hunt him. It would have been grand to put the boy's head on a spike in the Freaks yard. He would know by scent the boy was his get. But I can't rock the boat yet. I got to get to the new queen first. She's weak right now being pregnant. I might just make myself a new pair of gloves. Wolf fetus makes such soft leather. I chuckle. My
old pair are worn out. I lay my father's hand at his side and call for the women. As soon as they come. I leave the room. I'll stay long enough to see my father committed to the flame. Then I have places to be. I have a Queen Bitch to trap. When her mates come for her the slaughter will begin...And of course the war.

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