Chapter 14

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"I swear his arms felt like home"

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"I swear his arms felt like home"

We finally got to meet Castiel's Angel friend and he went over the plan with us of how to bring Jack back. He goes by the name Raziel. It may sound weird but I've brushed up on my Angel facts after we met Cas for the first time and I know exactly who this guy is. He's the Angel of secrets and mystery. He holds all the universe's secrets in just his head. That's one of the reasons he knows Lucifer so well.

He knows all of lucifers secrets, like what makes him tick. His weaknesses and strengths. His plan is for either Sam, Dean, or myself to die and meet Cas in heaven where we'll proceed to get Jack. He says that he can resurrect us back but of course Sam and Dean aren't too thrilled about this. Neither of them are on board with this plan at all.

"Fine I'll die, it would make sense right? I'm sure that Jack would want it to be me breaking him out of there not the two of you." I told the Winchesters. That's when they shook their heads no and pulled me away from Raziel.

"No way am I losing you again. No, let me do it." Dean told me sternly before he looked to Raziel. A smirk formed on the angels face as he looked between Dean and I. That's when his eyes landed on me and he nodded his head. "We're using her, it's our best shot." He told Dean.

Before Dean could protest Sam grabbed his shoulder and shook his head at him. Telling him it's okay and trust that I'm gonna be fine no matter what happens. "No offense, I love you Danielle, but what makes you assume she's going to heaven." Dean asked.

"All the offense was taken." I playfully glared at him and he smiled.

"Trust me, she's going to heaven." He assured us and I felt relieved. "Is there some place comfortable you'd like to die?" He asked me and I raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know dying was so comfortable." I told. I decided laying in my bed might be the most comfortable place to...die. Wow that just sounds so crazy even in my head. Raziel began working his magic before pulling out an Angel blade. "That's ironic." I thought out loud and Sam rolled his eyes.

He then proceeded to push the blade into my heart causing me to gasp for air. The last thing I saw before dying was worried looks on Sam and Dean's faces. By this time Cas had already left to meet me at the door to heaven.

My eyes opened wide and I looked around in a panic. I'm in my old childhood bedroom. I'm in the house my parents died in when I was younger. It made my heart ache seeing all the pictures on the walls of me and my parents smiling so happily. Suddenly the front door to the house bust open and there stood Cas looking at me.

"Ready?" He asked. He then stopped and looked around, a small smile on his face. "This is your heaven?"

"Yeah, I guess it is." I said. After having a flashback moment I followed Cas into the hallways of heaven. It's so bright and calming, which freaks me out a lot. I have no idea where I'm going so I just followed Cas like a lost puppy. We then stopped in front of two big doors. That's when he turned to me and gave me a worried look.

"Are you ready? This is the part where I distract Lucifer and you get Jack and run." He said. I nodded and that's when he opened the doors to reveal Jack and Lucifer sitting on two large throne like chairs. Cocky much? It made me roll my eyes.

"How did she get..." Lucifer began saying confused but stopped. "She's dead isn't she? That's how she's wandering the halls of heaven." A smirk formed on his face while he stood and approached us. I made eye contact with Jack and he gave me a saddened look.

"Well isn't this a nice surprise," he grinned as he came over to me. He stood inches away from me and it started making my heart pound inside my chest. "I'm afraid your not meant to be here. Danielle should be," he pointed towards the ground, indicating that I deserve to be in hell.

"Stop!" Jack glared as he came over to where Lucifer stood. "I'm done following your ridiculous rules." He glared.

"Who said you had a choice?" Lucifer glared at his son.

"I did." Jack said as his eyes began shining the same gold color as before. With the blink of an eye Lucifer vanished causing both Cas and me to widen our eyes.

"Is he?" I asked and he shook his head no.

"He's not dead but we don't have long before he's back. We have to leave now." He said while grabbing my hand. The three of us then headed to the door where Cas came in from. I stopped and stepped back. Jack frowned confused.

"I'm afraid this is where I stop," I told him.

"What? You have to come with us." He told me and I shook my head no.

"Jack she can't. She's dead and the dead can't escape heaven." Cas told him sadly. Jacks heart broke inside him and he refused to let that be. He grabbed both my hands in his and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm not leaving you in here." He let out.

"I'll be fine, we already have a plan in the works." I smiled at him before kissing his cheek and letting go of his hands. That's when he gave me one last look of worry before him and Cas disappeared through the door.

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