Chapter 14 ❁ It's all fun and games till someone gets

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Song of the chapter: Half A Man- Dean Lewis

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside the thick windows of the Hospital Wing. There weren't very many other than the owls here this time of year due to the thick snowfall we never failed to get but the uncommon tune of a bird was heard every now and then.

I turned my head to relieve the knot in my neck and found Draco's eyes open and trailing over my face.

"Good morning," I yawned.

"Speak entirely for yourself. Madam Pomfrey hasn't come in to discharge me yet," he groaned.

"Perhaps that's a good thing. You were hurt really badly yesterday," I said, shifting my position again.

"You don't know anything, Grey," his cold reply sounded. 


Did I really think our conversation last night had changed anything? Maybe I had hoped but it seemed all too biblical a thought now. 

I sighed and sat up, determined to get some answers.

"Fine then. I don't know anything. But maybe that's on you. Maybe you should tell me things more often like you used to before you kissed me and ruined the perfectly fine friendship we had," I battled. My words were truer than I meant for them to be and they stabbed my tongue coming out.

He opened his mouth to make a rebuttal that I'm sure would've shut me up but Madam Pomfrey came bustling in at that very moment and cut his remark short.

"Miss Grey you can leave. Mr. Malfoy on the other hand..."

I stood up, gave Draco a teasing smirk and headed out of the Hospital Wing, leaving him to his check-up.

My lessons were unnervingly bland. I had Care Of Magical Creatures with Hagrid which would've been a highlight of my day if it hadn't been a lesson on pixies, something we'd already covered. Twice. 

Then potions class came in which Harry earned another praise from Slughorn. I could barely watch the process. Harry's smile shone out and I wanted to punch him for hurting Draco. I only refrained for the sake of the rest of the class and Draco's honor.

Herbology was a silly lesson on the properties of Wolfsbane.

Arithmancy I had with Hermione. We discussed the upcoming prospect of Christmas and I asked her if she was planning on going home, to which she answered she would be staying in the castle this year. 

The rest of the lessons were too long and my mind was too tired to pick up on the things we were taught.

It was evening but the time I saw Draco again.

The day had become precariously grey without even hinting at snow. I dragged my feet to the Great Hall after my very last class, charms, and taken my normal seat at the Slytherin table with Millicent and Daphne who were very certain my answer would change if they asked me how I was feeling over and over again. Each time I answered, "I'm fine thank you."

I ate a little, drank a little, but mostly listened to the conversation my two friends were heatedly having over whether or not a Mandrake root would cure a muggle who'd been put into a coma. I had to press a hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing when they made some strange assumption about muggle life that was so very wrong indeed.

For the first time in a while, my eyes didn't dance from face too face looking for Draco's pointed nose and vivid blue eyes. It felt nice to say the least.

When the feast was over and the plates of food emptied I felt contented. I planned on confronting Draco the next time I saw him which would, without a doubt, be sooner than was healthy for me. This plan made me feel stronger, more hopeful and also very, unhelpfully full of anxiety.

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