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Roses are red,Violets are blue

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Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
More people are involved,
And he wants it to be untrue.

Atlas sat at the table alone, twiddling his thumbs. Dani had been gone for minutes on end and he was starting to get worried. The ice-cream sundae which Adam brought out was melting and his patience was melting running to. There was nothing stopping him from leaving....she probably did?

As he spooned the frozen vanilla cream into his mouth, he noticed a blob in the corner of his eye. It was Dani ducking out from the washroom with great hesitancy. Her eyes fanatically searched her surroundings as if she was being watched by someone. Once she made it to the booth and sat down, Atlas tried to speak but she reached her hand over the table and hushed him, "I just want to say I'm sorry I was pissy today, I still am, but I came across something important."

He put down his spoon and moved her hand away, "Really?" He questioned. 20 minutes ago she was moping around like her dog died. Now she held crazy eyes as she looked over her shoulders a total of 4 times since she sat down.

"Yes!" She looked over her shoulder to the washroom again. "And you're not going to like this!"

. . .

What Dani told him was quite insane. It had nothing to do with why she was freaking out but it had everything to do with their target — and his sister.

"That was not Emma, end of the story!" Atlas crossed his arms leaning back into the leather. He cut her explanation short, but he was still skeptical. The way she described the strange girl's attitude and voice,  screamed Emma in all caps. But Emma was out with her boyfriend at some part. What was she doing making a sketchy exchange in the washroom with Ashly?

"Then who was it?" Dani's eyes widened more as she realized she was getting too loud. "Ashly did mention someone named Josh? Does that name ring a bell?"

Atlas's shoulders fell as her words sunk in. "Josh?" He narrowed his eyes at Dani as his body shook, "Are you sure you heard them right?" He asked with a bit of hope in his voice. "It could have been an echo?" His throat dried.

She shook her head, "It was clear as day, Atlas. Why would I miss hear them, when they were 4 feet away?" She continued to ramble.

"Josh..." His head slowly connected with the palms of his hands as shook back and forth. So it was Emma... What was she doing? Why would her boyfriend make her pick up something? Was it drugs? Or something worse? What the hell was his sister getting into? First, she wouldn't even let Atlas know she was leaving the house, and now, she was running illegal errands for her boyfriend. Atlas's worried brown eyes looked up at Dani only for a moment before they scrolled to the window. "Do you know what was in that envelope?" He asked, holding his fist tight.

"No." She continued to stare at him, "Is... everything o-ok?"

The roles were now reversed; Atlas was sulking in pain and Dani was the sympathetic one trying to crack his code. He felt his lips move, but no words came out.  Josh was involved? What if that envelope had something to do with the contract? What if his sister was now involved? Ashly was on the hit list... What if Emma was also on the list? She was the same age as when Gary died last year — nothing was stopping it from being a possibility.

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