Chapter 4

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              "Wait, with who?"  My dad asked.

              "One Direction," I answered, not knowing what the problem was.

             "You mean, that band from England made up of five BOYS?"  my mom asked, anger growing on her face.

              "Yeah. Them."

              "No," my mom said, turning to go to the kitchen.

              "What do you mean 'No'?" I said confused, following her to the kitchen.

              "I mean, my daughter is NOT living with FIVE BOYS for EIGHT MONTHS,"Mom said angrily, turning to face me.

              "And why not?" My dad asked.  Thank goodness I have one parent that trusts me.

              "Let me repeat myself, Eric.  Our sweet little Halle Brook wants to go live on a tiny bus with five boys for eight months without any parents," my mom said to my dad.

              "What's the problem, Michelle?  Do you not trust her?" my dad asked.

              "No, I trust her, just not the boys.  I don't know them and I don't want my daughter living with them.  What if their sexual predators or murderers or something worse?"  My mom said looking at my dad, the anger on her face changed to fear and worry.

             "Mom, I trust them.  I have talked to Harry and Niall and they are really excited about having me tour.  I don't think Mr. Stringer would send me off on tour with murderers either.  Don't you trust him?"  I asked, tears coming to my eyes.

              "I—I don't know.  We don't know him well either.  Now, I want you to call Harry and Neil or whatever his name is and tell them you're not going,"  Mom said, the anger coming back.  She turned and started walking down the hall to the kitchen.

              I pulled out my phone and went to Harry's number, then stopped.  "No. And his name is NIALL."

               "What did you say to me?"  My mom asked, turning back around and crossing her arms on her chest.

              "I said no.  Mom, I'm EIGHTEEN now.  I can make my own decisions.  I am an adult, just like the other boys.  I'm going on tour, whether you like it or not.  At least I know I have one parent that actually TRUSTS my decisions," I said, putting my phone back in my pocket.  I started walking towards the wooden stairs to get to my room upstairs.

             "HALLE BROOK WALSH, GET YOUR LITTLE BUTT BACK DOWN HERE NOW!" she called after me.  I just kept walking up the staircase.  A couple seconds later, my phone buzzed.  I got a text, from my dad. 

             'She's just upset. I'll talk to her. She is used to making all the decisions for you.  That was really brave of you though.  I'm proud or you baby girl.  I never would have had the courage to stand up to my mom like that. Love you –Dad'

              I smiled and plopped down on my bed.  Not knowing what else to do, I called Harry.

              "Hello?" He answered.  There was a lot of background noise, so I felt like I caught him at a bad time.

              "Hey, it's me.  Is this a bad time?  I can call you back," I said.

            "Um, we're at a restaurant, Nando's.  There are so many people freaking out.  I'll call you when the lads and I get home, okay love?"   There were about a billion people screaming and calling random and crazy things out to Harry and the rest of the boys.  One girl in particular screamed something along the lines of "you're gonna be my baby daddy, Harold!"  Those fans are crazy.  I can't even imagine what Aly would say to Niall if (or when) she meets him.

              "Yeah, that's fine," I said apologetically.  "Bye. Have fun!"  We both started laughing.  Then he hung up.

              After I had laid down on my bed for about half an hour and thought, my phone buzzed again.  It was Niall.   

              'Hey Halle. Is everything okay?'

              'Yeah. Just needed to talk to someone.'

              'I'm right here, all ears.  Well, eyes, since I have to read your texts.'

              'It's cool. I'll call y'all later. Are you still at the restaurant?'

            'No, we just left. We're on the way back to our flats. Did you talk to your parents about coming for a week or two?'

            'Yes and no.  I told them about you guys and my mom—well it would be easier to say over phone call. Call me when you get home, and make sure all the boys are there.'

              'Okay love. Talk to you later.'

            "HALLE! DINNER!" My dad called. I guess my mom wasn't talking to me.  Doesn't surprise me.

            "Coming!" I called back.  Time to sit down and try to eat with my mom.  The woman that has lived with me for eighteen years but doesn't trust me.  

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