Chapter 6

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"Hey Aly, stay here, I'm gonna go get you some tea," I said, knowing her favorite drink would calm her down.  She nodded, but continued crying and I got up, grabbed my phone, and went to the kitchen.  I put some tea in the kettle and put some honey and sugar in it, just the way she likes it.  While it was heating up on the stove, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I found the one I wanted.  I pressed the name and put the phone up to my ear, tapping my foot patiently.  It rang 4 times before someone picked up.


"Hey Niall, it's me.  Listen, I am at my best friend, Alyson's house, and she is sobbing," I whispered.

"Why? What's wrong?" Niall said, sounding worried.

"Her boyfriend, Camron, cheated on her."

"Oh my gosh."

"Yeah.  Go on twitter and look up CamTanner and you'll see the whole thing.  Listen, can you do me a favor?"  I asked, still whispering so Alyson wouldn't hear.

            "Sure. Anything for you," he said.

            I giggled at him.  He was really funny.  I can already imagine eight months with these boys.  "Do you have a pen and paper handy?"  I asked.

            "Yeah. Right here."

            "Okay, right down this number as I say it," I said, a smile growing on my face.

            "Okaaayy?" Niall said, dragging out the aayy.

            "916-222-3145," I told him, even quieter than I had been talking earlier.

            "Okay, now what do you want me to do with this?"  He asked.

            "Call it.  For me.  Thanks Ni! You're AWESOME! Bye!"  I said at normal volume this time.

            "Alright, bye love."

            I hung up my phone and put it in my pocket.  The kettle started whistling to let me know Aly's tea was ready.  I took the tea and poured it into her favorite coffee mug from the Bahamas, when we went there for our senior trip.  I slowly walked into the living room, where Alyson was, still crying. 

            "Hey Aly, I got you some tea,"  I said quietly, handing her the mug and sitting down on the couch next to her.

            She took a sip and said, "Thank you.  You're awesome."  I laughed.  Right after she put the cup down her phone started playing Summer Love by 1D, her ringtone.  A small smile tugged at the corners of my mouth as she furrowed her brow at the unknown number.

            "Hello?"  She said into the phone.  I heard some faint mumbling coming from her phone, she stopped crying then screamed. 

            "OH MY GOSH!! ARE YOU FOR SERIOUS??"  She said jumping off the couch.

            "Who is it?"  I mouthed, even though I already knew.

            "Wow.  Thank you so much, Niall.  So I guess Halle was the one that told you about my current situation.   Thanks girl."  She said much calmer, smiling at me.

            "No problem.  Just keep it on the down low.  No one needs to know until I'm ready," I told her, knowing she would want to tell everybody.

            "Alright, well I gotta go.  I have the best friend ever sitting here waiting for me.  Bye Niall!"  Alyson cheered ,then hung up and dropped her phone.

            "You're just too awesome,"  she said, turning back to me.

            I smiled.  "It's just what best friends do."  Then my phone dinged to let me know I had a text.  I picked up my phone then gasped.

            "Hey babe xx, I'm at the airport, where are you?"  Ohmygosh!  I totally forgot I had to go get Jaden from the airport today!  Crap!

            "On the way, I'll be there in 10 minutes xx" I texted back, then shoved my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys.  I hugged Alyson, then started towards the door.

            "Aly, I gotta go! I completely forgot Jay was coming home today!  I was supposed to be at the airport at 11:00 because his flight got in at 11:15 and it's already 11:30!"  I rambled, walking outside. "Bye!"  I said, then closed the door behind me, running to my car.  I quickly started it and sped out of her driveway, trying to get to the airport as fast as I could. 

            I pulled up to the airport 10 minutes later, and saw Jaden sitting outside on a bench by the wall, shaking his leg and playing on his phone, all his luggage next to him.  I got the first available parking spot and dashed out of my car, running up to him.  He saw me running and jumped off the bench.  As soon as I approached him, I was engulfed in the biggest hug ever,  my face buried in his neck.

            "I missed you," I told him after he let go.

            "I missed you way more," he said, smiling. "How's Aly? I saw what was on Twitter, with the whole Camron thing."

            I sighed.  "Well she was pretty torn up at first, but then being the best friend that I am, I cheered her right up."

            "And how did you do that?"  He asked, while I grabbed his suitcase and started rolling it towards my car.

            "I had Niall call her," I smirked.

            "I can just see her face now!"  He laughed.

            "Just be glad you couldn't hear her scream," I joked, shoving Jaden's bag into my trunk and climbing into the driver's seat.  He laughed his perfect laugh that I loved almost as much as his smile.  I leaned over the middle and kissed him.  "I'm so glad you're home,"  I smiled.

            "Me too. I love you," he said, looking into my eyes.

            "I love you too."


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-Molly xx

Twitter: @beachdayashton



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