Chapter 9

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            I woke up the next morning and looked at my clock.  Ten o'clock?!  Oh snap!  Evie and I were supposed to leave thirty minutes ago!  I jumped up out of bed and changed from my pajamas into a pair of white skinny jeans and a navy blue lace shirt.  I ran into the bathroom and pulled my hair up into a low waterfall ponytail, put on some mascara and grabbed my Maybelline Baby Lips balm and decided I'd put it on in the car.  I pulled on a pair of navy tennis shoes and grabbed my white jacket and purse.  I ran into the kitchen.  I started apologizing to Evie down the hallway, but soon realized she wasn't there, but instead, a note on the counter.


                        Sorry we can't go shopping today.  The office called and said I had to come in, it was an emergency.  Even though I wasn't supposed to work today.  Whatever.  I'll call you later.

            Evie xx"

            Okay, great.  Nothing to do today.  Maybe Lou or one of the other boys will want to hang out.  I pulled out my phone and scrolled to Niall's name.


            "Hey Ni, are you busy today?  I was supposed to hang out with Evie but she got called into work," I said, grabbing another SoBe from the fridge.

            "Sorry, love, can't do anything today," he said.  I sighed.

            "Okay, thanks anyways.  Do you know if any of the other boys are doing anything?" I asked.

            "Um, I think Louis is with Eleanor today, Liam is with Danielle, and Zayn is with Perrie.  Harry hasn't said anything about being busy, so try calling him."  I smiled.  Besides Louis, Harry was the one I was closest to and most comfortable with, even though I was comfortable with them all.

            "Alright, thanks Ni! See ya later!"  I cheered.  Without waiting for a reply, I hung up and quickly found Harry's number.





            "Harry, hey, are you doing anything today?"  I asked, sounding way too eager.

            "No ma'am," he said.

            "Don't call me ma'am."

            "Sorry love, force of habit.  Why do you ask?  You just can't resist me can you?"  Harry joked.  I could practically hear his smirk.

            "Um, ew.  Yes, I most certainly can resist, but Evie had to go to work, Niall's busy, and the other boys are with their girlfriends, so you were all that was left," I said, hoisting myself onto the kitchen counter.

            "Thanks, I feel the love."  I laughed.  "But no, I'm not busy.  What do you want to do?"

            "I don't care.  As long as I don't have to be stuck in this huge apartment alone," I said, taking a big gulp of my drink.

            "Okay, I'll be there in 5.  Be ready!"  he said, then hung up.  I rolled my eyes and climbed off the counter.  I put my SoBe in my Gucci purse, grabbed my keys, and walked out the door.  I slowly made my way to the elevator and rode down 23 floors to the lobby.  As I stepped out of the elevator, I saw Harry walking through the glass doors of the apartment building.

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