Chapter 3

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"Hi Harry," I said as calmly as I could. If I had been paying attention, I would have noticed the British accent.  How did Alyson not notice?  One Direction is her life.  Right at that moment, she screamed.

"What was that?"  Harry asked through the phone. 

"Sorry, that was my friend, Alyson.  She absolutely loves all of you and is convinced she is going to marry Niall one day."

"Well, when can I meet her?" An Irish accent asked.  Niall.

"OMIGOSH! NIALL IS THERE TOO?!?!?!"  Aly shouted.

"Yeah, we all are. Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall, say hi."

"HI!" The rest of One Direction chorused.

            "So I guess we probably need to know your name is you're going on tour with us in February," Louis said.

            "Sorry.  I'm Halle Walsh," I told them, with the phone turned off of speaker since Alyson was having a MAJOR fangirl moment.

            "She told me that before you guys came in," Harry said to the other guys.

            "So, how old are you?"

            "Where do you live?"

            "How long would it take you to get to London?"  Niall, Louis, then Zayn asked me.

            "Calm down, give her some time.  We are kind of a big deal," Liam told them.

            "Oh, it's okay.  To answer your questions, 18, Boston Massachusetts, and I have no clue," I answered three members of One Direction.   I didn't know how to react to this. 

            "Have you ever been to London?"

            "Can you visit before the tour?"

            "Do you have a boyfriend?"

            And again, another round of questions.  Liam asked one this time, so I guess I had to do something.

            "Woah.  Okay, we're gonna do this three questions at a time.  Alright, starting with Liam's, no I have never been to London.  But I really want to.  Lou, I don't know if I can visit.  I'll talk it over with my parents.  But won't 8 months with me be enough?"  I answered.  Niall laughed through the phone.  I knew it was him, and apparently Alyson did too.  She let out a HUGE scream at that moment.   "Alright, I'll answer the last question then I'll have to go calm my friend.  And Zayn, yes I do have a boyfriend."

            "Alright, thanks for calling.  Save my number.  I'll text you sometime.  We'll keep in touch.  Are you okay with the other lads having your number?"  Harry asked.

            "Of course.  Like I said earlier, I'm gonna be with you guys pretty much 24/7 for about 8 months, so you may need that sometime.  I'll talk to y'all later.  Bye!" 

            "Bye, see you in about 6 or 7 months!"  Harry said before hanging up.

            "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! I KNEW IT WAS THEM!!! OMIGOSH, HALLE YOU'RE GOING ON TOUR WITH THE ONE DIRECTION!!!  AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Take me with yoooouuuuuu!"    Alyson screamed, making Max run downstairs to the basement and their poodle, Tito, start barking like crazy.

            "What's wrong?  Oh, hi Halle.  Now what was all that about One Direction and touring?"  Alyson's 10 year old brother asked.

         "Everything's fine, but HALLE'S TOURING WITH ONE DIRECTION IN FEBRUARY!!!! AAAHHH!!!"  Alyson screamed again.

            "Hey, Aly, we're right here, kay?"  I said, smiling and waving my hand in front of her face.

            "Sorry," She smiled.  Right then, my phone buzzed.  I looked at the screen.  Some unknown number had sent me a text.  I opened it. 

            'Hi Halle, its Niall.  Just wanted you to have my number.  Seeya!'

            "Who was it?"  Alyson asked. 


            "OMIGOSH CAN I HAVE HIS NUMBER???"  Here we go with the screaming again.

            "No.  After all that screaming you did while I was on the phone,  they all probably think you're a little bit on the crazy side,"  I laughed.

            "They do NOT!" She protested.

            "Okay, I'll ask him then."  I said then started typing.

            'hey Niall.  Do you think my friend is crazy?'

            'um, not really. we're kinda used to it.'

            'that's true. She asked for your number but I told her no.'

            'thank you. Now I would love to chat more, but the lads are taking me to Nando's.  they love me so much! Bye!'

            "Bye!'  I chuckled and slid my phone into my pocket.

            "What'd he say?  WHAT'D HE SAY!?"  She yelled in my ear.

            "Calm down.  He said he was used to it.   I gotta go, Mom wanted me to be home in time for dinner."  It was already 5:30 even though I had only been there about an hour and a half. 

            "Bye! Tell Niall to text me!"  She said as I turned to the door.

            "How 'bout no."  I said to myself.

            It felt like it took forever to get home, even though it only took 10 minutes.  I was wondering what my dad would say.  Would he be excited?  I hope so.  Then I have to ask them both about going to London for a week or two before the tour so I can meet and hang out with the boys before we lived together for eight months.  Wow, eight whole months on tour.  That means eight months without my parents.  Eight months without school crap.  Eight months without Darrin.  Eight months without Alyson.  Eight months of concerts.  But it also meant eight months without Jaden.  Gosh, what was I going to do?  The longest we have ever been apart was two weeks when he went to visit his grandparents.  I don't know how well I'll make it through this. 

         I pulled into my driveway, mind back to my dad.  His Lexus was already here.  I hope Mom didn't already spill.  She never could keep secrets that well.  I turned off my car and walked up to the door.  My dad ran up to me and hugged me.

            "So, how'd it go?"  He asked, pulling away and smiling from ear to ear.  "Did you ever find out who you might be touring with?"

            "Well, Mr. Stringer and Mr. Rubin loved me.  They immediately signed me to a band, but didn't tell me who.  He just gave me a phone number."  I smiled.

               "THAT'S GREAT!"  He shouted picking me up.  "So, call the number!"

              "I already did."

              "So, who are you touring with?"  He asked, still smiling.

              "One Direction."

              His and my mom's smiles dropped.


sorry bout the long wait! christmas is coming up and my family's coming soon, so I dont know how much i'll be on.  i need to set an updating schedule. thanks for reading! update coming soon!!!!

-Molly xx

Twitter: @beachdayashton



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