Chapter 13

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JUNE 15th, 2013


            Things have been really good with the boys and I lately.  Nothing bad has gone wrong since the little vodka incident back in London.  Right now, we are on the tour bus on our way to Louisville Kentucky from Miami Florida.  Jaden left a couple days early from London because we didn't get to spend much time together.  The rest of the time spent in London was full of rehearsals and recording and interviews and things like that.  This whole experience has made me grow closer with all of the boys, but especially Harry and Louis.  None of us have really talked about the kiss since it happened.  I have had to help Louis, because, and none of us expected this, he and Eleanor went through a horrible break-up.  It's been about a month since that happened, but Louis still cries whenever anything having to do with Eleanor is mentioned.  I met all of the girlfriends before we left, and I'm close friends with all of them.  El and I are still close, but not as close as we were.  Lou spent days and days on end sitting in his bed crying and only getting up to get food, and that's only if none of us got it for him.  He wasn't himself during concerts, and everyone could see that; paparazzi, fans, us, everyone.  He was getting a lot of Twitter hate for it.  The Directioners blamed it on management -and I would have to- and claimed that they are "changing him for the worst." But it wasn't management, and they soon found that out.  All of the hate was fixed with love, but some fans are now blaming Eleanor.  It's so weird.  Anyways, Harry has a new girlfriend; her name is Mia.  She is so sweet to him and they clearly love each other.  He met her about a month into the tour in Birmingham at a coffee shop on one of our free days.  I remember it like it was yesterday...

            Harry ran into the tour bus and started doing his happy dance.  I was sitting on the futon in the middle of the bus eating popcorn when he came in and I giggled. 

            "What's up, Styles?" I asked him.

            "Yeah, why are you so happy?" Niall said from next to me.  We were watching The Godfather, one of his favorites.  Instead of responding, Harry skipped over and handed me a folded piece of paper.  I sat up and opened it.  'Harry, you're cute.  Call me, 457-289-1029.'  I read it and smiled.

            "GO HARRY!" I said, and gave him a high five.  "Well, are you gonna call her?"

            "I'm will when she gets off work, at 8," he said.  "LOUIS!"  Harry yelled, and then ran to the back of the bus.

            Harry is head-over-heels in love with this girl.  He is always talking about her.  'Oh, isn't Mia adorable?' he would say, and show us a new picture she posted on Instagram or Facebook.  'Aw, Mia is so sweet," he would say when she tweets him something cute.  Jaden never does that kind of stuff for me.  Anyways, now all the One Direction boys, except for Louis, have a girlfriend.  That leaves me with 1 more couple to talk about: Niall and his new girlfriend.  He met her in Barcelona before our concert there.  She was on a trip there for her school.  She had just turned 19, and I met her there and was able to introduce them because she told me how much she loved him.  She had pretty blonde hair and brown eyes.  Niall invited her to our concert that night and serenaded her on stage.  Now Niall and Alyson Winters are very happy.  Yes, Alyson as in my best friend from Boston Alyson.  I was very happy for her, because she has dreamed about this for so long, about 3 years. 

            "Halle?" someone asked.

            "Yeah?" I said back, not looking up from my laptop.  I was just lounging in a bus outfit, which is what I call a sports bra and sweat pants.  I giggled at one of the tweets I saw someone sent to Louis; it was shampoo called "Say Yes to Carrots."  I pressed retweet and looked up at who was talking to me.

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