Chapter 23

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            "Why can't we be friends?" Halle asked, looking hurt and shocked.  Impulses got the best of me and I did something I've been waiting to do since that day she nearly killed me.  I leaned in and crashed my lips to hers.  I clearly caught her off guard, but she quickly kissed me back.  I pulled away reluctantly, and stared into her beautiful brown eyes.  These past several days have been torture without her, and during this time, I realized how much I love her.  Sure, I've said it and felt it before, but being without her by my side all the time, I realized she means the world to me, and I would die without her.  She smiled after a couple minutes of us just staring into each other's eyes.

            "Good answer," she said and I chuckled, pulling her into a hug. 

            "I love you.  This is why I've been avoiding you; I knew that if I talked to you I knew something like this was going to come over me and make me do this before either one of us were ready for it.  I just love you way too much to not be with you," I whispered, kissing her head.  And it's true; I don't know what I would do without her in my life.

            "I love you too.  I'm sure this has been just as painful for you as it was for me; you can just hide it better than I can.  I mean, I'm a girl, what do you expect from a broken heart?" she said, tilting her head up to look at me.  This is the way I like things to be, her in my arms, looking up and smiling at me.   "But, there is something we need to talk about."  My heart beat sped up when she said that.  I thought we just made up.  "And it's nothing bad, so don't worry," she added quickly.  I let out a sigh of relief.

            "Okay, so then what is it?" I asked.

            "Well, the part that made me question everything was the fans telling me we were moving too fast.  So, I think, if it's possible, that we should keep us a secret.  That means only the boys and management and our families can know about us.  It also means no turning back to wink at me during concerts, no going out where there might be even the slightest concern that paparazzi or fans might show up.  If anyone, interviewers, fans, or anyone else, ask you about how our relationship is now, we're becoming friends.  Which, we are, my boyfriend also has to be my best friend," she explained, smiling.  I liked the idea of protecting her from all the hate and the fans and everything, but I hate lying.  I don't want to lie to the fans, when we do; I just want to tell them the truth.  They know everything about us, so I think it's pointless to try and lie.  They'll figure everything out eventually.

            "Alright, that sounds fine to me, but you said your boyfriend has to be your best friend, so does that mean-"

            "Yes, it means I will be your girlfriend.  Again," she laughed and kissed me. 

            "I love you so much," I mumbled.

            "I love you too."


            "BOYS!"  I shouted, walking back into my room, hand in hand with Harry. 

            "Again?" Niall asked.  I gave him a 'what-the-crap-do-you-mean-by-that' look. "I mean, again!  Yay!" 

            "Aw, my OTP is back!" Louis shouted, running over to give me a hug.  I laughed and hugged him back with one arm.  I will not let Harry go again.

            "What is an OPT?" Harry asked.

            "OTP, Harry.  Gosh, get it right.  It means One True Pairing, which you two are, so you're my OTP," my brunet best friend explained and Harry and I chuckled.

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