Chapter 20

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  • Ajánlott Greyson Chance



            "Mama told me not to waste my life.  She said 'spread your wings my little butterfly,'" Little Mix through the radio.  I started to sing along with my favorite song not One Direction.  The boys and I are on the way to our next venue in Dallas, Texas.  Harry, Louis and I were sitting on the futon on the bus listening to the radio, Louis being upside down, just because of how bored we are.  I'm nervous about this performance; and I don't get nervous.  But I'm really rattled... Taylor's going to be there.  I know she is going to try and do something to "improve" her chances of getting back with him, even though that's not going to happen.  Harry and I are VERY happy together, and that won't change.  I stopped singing, being too enveloped in my thoughts. 

            "Babe, what's wrong?" Harry asked, squeezing my hand.

            "Nothing," I said, not looking him in the eye.

            "Something's wrong, now tell me what it is before I have to tickle it out of you!" he threatened.

            "You wouldn't," I gasped.

            "Wanna bet?" he teased, picking his hands up and wiggling his fingers, quickly dropping them to my stomach.

            "NO! Ahh, Harry STOP! Haha, please!  Stop it!  Fine, I'll tell you!" I laughed, trying to wiggle away, but it wasn't working.  He stopped tickling me and smirked, cocking his head to the side, waiting for what I had to say.  "I'm scared about Taylor."

            His jaw dropped.  "Halle, you have nothing to worry about!  I love you, not Taylor.  I never loved her.  She moved WAY too fast," he said, taking my hands.

            "Ew, sappy talk, see ya later," Louis groaned, getting up from the futon and walking back to the lounge.

            "And we aren't?  I mean, look at us.  We were pretty much public before you even asked me out!" I said, taking my hands back.  Harry looked hurt at my actions.  "And do you know how much hate I've been getting in the past month since you asked me to be your girlfriend?"  He shook his head.  "Have you even been on Twitter?  When I got on yesterday 'Halle deserves cancer' was trending.  That hurts."  By this point, I was nearly yelling at him and he had tears in his eyes.  I've never talked to him like that.  "Too many frickin' little girls are so protective over 'their Harry' they won't let any girl near him!  And I'm TIRED OF IT!  How would they feel if this happened to them?  And you're at fault here, you know?  You just HAVE to go be so frickin' hot and sweet and PERFECT!" I threw my hands in the air, standing up.  Harry bit his bottom lip, closed his eyes, and looked down.

            "I'm sorry," he whispered.

            "Sorry?  That's it?  These dang girls are making me just want to go do what some of them say and DIE IN A DITCH.  What's their frickin' problem?  AND WHY AREN'T YOU EVEN TRYING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT?!" I yelled, pacing back and forth. 

            "So you're blaming me for something our fans are doing?" he said, looking at me.

            "Well, they are your fans.  They listen to you.  Maybe if you even MADE AN EFFORT to get them to shut up they would LEAVE ME ALONE!"

            "They are NEVER going to leave you alone.  I thought you KNEW THIS STUFF WAS GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN YOU SAID YES?  HUH?  DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE READY TO DEAL WITH EVERYTHING BEING MY GIRLFRIEND HAS?  I GUESS YOU LIED TO ME," he shouted then stormed off to the other side of the bus.  He walked into the lounge where the other boys were and angrily slung the curtain close behind him.  I rolled my eyes and sat on the futon, crossing my arms.  Why did he have to be like this?  Why am I freaking out like this?  I dropped my arms to my sides.  This is all my fault.  Harry's mad and probably is going to be for a long time.  What have I done?  I just scared away the best thing that's ever happened to me.  What's wrong with me?

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