Chapter 15

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            The concert was AMAZING.  This was one of the best ones yet.  When I get up on stage, I'm never nervous.  I feel such a rush come over me, the last thing on my mind is being nervous.  It's awesome to be up there and hear all the fans screaming and singing along to all of the songs.  It's obvious the boys love it.  They try to involve the fans as much as they can, so it doesn't seem like just a performance that you just sit there and listen to.  It's also amazing to see how much love the fans have for the boys.  They spend so much time, effort, and money just to see these boys.  It's just awesome.  But the band does get a lot of recognition too.  The boys always introduce us in the middle of the show, and the Directioner's reactions are great.  They clap and cheer for us just as much as they do for Liam, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Louis.  Now, it's after the concert, and we're at the party.  I've already lost Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Harry, so I'm just hanging out with Liam and some other random people.  I was sitting on one of the couches in the living room of the house that the party was taking place.  The walls were shaking with how loud the music was, and there were alcohol cans and bottles scattered across the floor.  It was dark inside; the lights were covered with some dark colored construction paper but turned on so there was a little light. 

            "Hey, who are you?" someone slurred from behind me, tapping my shoulder.

            "I'm Halle," I replied.

            "No, you're hot," he said back.  "But my name is Randy and there is a really nice bedroom right up the stairs if you would like to join me."

            I grimaced and tried to hold in a gag.  This guy reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.  He was super sweaty and his face was covered in pimples.  "No thanks," I said, as a tall blonde girl came up next to him and practically stuck her tongue down his throat.  This time I did gag.  He threw the can of beer he was holding and picked her up and ran towards the stairs.  Ew.  I rolled my eyes and turned back around to face forward, and I saw Harry standing in front of the couch.  I smiled and he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch. 

            "I need to talk to you," he said.  I nodded and followed him out.  He wasn't slurring and he didn't smell like beer, so I don't think he's wasted yet, but I could be wrong.  If he's not, I'm really surprised.  He is usually ten miles past wasted by now.  He didn't let go of my hand, pushing past a lot of sweaty bodies and led me out the door.  Harry dragged me over to an area on the side of the house where no one was around.  I stopped and turned to face me, still not letting go.  So there we were, our face inches apart.  He took me outside so we could talk in private.  Truthfully, I was scared about what he was going to do.

"Halle, I love you," my best friend, Harry, whispered in my ear.

            "No, Harry.  You can't.  This isn't right and you know it," I answered him, not wanting anyone at this party to hear us.

            "I know it's not right, but I know you feel this way too."  It's true, I did feel that way.  I wish I didn't but I couldn't deny it any longer.

            "I know I do, but I can't do this to Jaden.  Do you know how much he will hate me? And what about Mia, you love her.  You would crush her and she would never talk to you again," I asked Harry, tears coming to my eyes.

            "Anything's worth it to be with you.  I wish you would feel the same way about me."  With that, he leaned in and kissed me.  I didn't pull back.  I got lost just like I did the first time.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my waist, pulling me closer.  This is so wrong, but I couldn't feel it.  Much too soon, I pulled back.  I couldn't do this.  I let a tear fall staring into his green eyes.  I know this came from his heart.  He wiped my tear off my cheek and let one of his own fall.  I closed my eyes because I couldn't stand to see him like that.  It killed me.  I thought it hurt to see Jaden cry, but it also hurts when I see an old person eating alone.  This killed me.  I laid my head down on his shoulder and just stayed there.   I could be here forever.  As long as I was in his arms, I was okay. 

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