Chapter 7

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            "Bye Mom.  I love you," I said to my mom hugging her at the security check at the airport.  It was February 8th, the day that I left the US to tour with One Direction.  I was going to visit my cousin, Evie, who lives in London, to get used to the environment and the boys.  I had grown a lot closer with all the boys through constant texting and phone calls and video chatting.  I couldn't wait until I got to London and saw 6 people waiting for me; Evie, Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam.  It was really hard saying bye to Alyson, knowing I wouldn't see for a little over eight months.  Jaden, my mom, and my dad were here to see me off.   I hugged my dad and told him the same thing I told my mom.  Now it was Jaden's turn.  Tears welled in my eyes as I knew he would be the hardest to say goodbye to.  I hugged him for the longest time and whispered through my tears, "I love you."

            "I love you too," he whispered back, his voice cracking.  "Promise you'll call every night?"

            "Swear.  No matter how late I get in or how busy I am, I will be sure to talk to you in some way,  calling, texting, or video chat.  Maybe you'll get to meet the boys.  I know you've talked to them a few times, but maybe you'll meet them," I smiled.

            "Yeah.  I don't know what I am going to do without you," He said, a tear slipping and falling on his cheek.

            "Nothing stupid, I hope.  That means no drinking, or hooking up with anyone else."

            He laughed.  "I promise. As long as you promise the same thing," he said.  I wrapped him in another hug, as I cried harder, and I could feel the unevenness in his breathing, so I knew he was crying too.   I finally pulled away, kissed him, and grabbed my bags so I could go put them on the conveyor belt thing that searched them for anything bad.  I told everyone goodbye one last time and turned away to walk through the metal detector.  As soon as I got through, I pulled my phone out of my purse and texted Jaden.

            "I miss you already..."  The reply came back almost instantly.

            "I love you."

            "I love you too."

            "Flight 241 to London is now boarding," a voice said over the loudspeaker.  That is my flight.  I turned around and waved at my parents and boyfriend one last time before I showed someone my ticket and walked out the door.  I slung my purse with my laptop, headphones, cell phone, mini ladybug pillow pet from Jaden, and business phone that management sent me, over my shoulder and boarded the plane.  I sat down in seat 2B, first class thanks to the boys, and pulled out my pillow pet and rested my head.  The plane took off about 20 minutes later, and I was officially on my way to London.  When the flight attendant said we could use electronics, I pulled out my phone and headphones and started listening to One Direction.


            Halle cried as I held her close, not wanting to let her go, because I knew I wouldn't stand not seeing her for almost 9 months.  I was trying, but failing, to keep my tears in as she sobbed into my shoulder.   I knew she would at least text me every day, but that didn't change the fact I wouldn't be able to hold her in my arms whenever she was upset for any reason at all.  I would miss having her over almost every day and watching her favorite movie, Titanic, over and over, her crying every time Jack died.  She would always lean into my arms and lay her head on my shoulder when she was tired.  I would miss her sweet scent of sweet pea every time she gave me a hug or a kiss or walked next to me.  I would miss everything about her.  Reluctantly, she pulled away and gave me a kiss, then walked off.  I started crying harder as her mom wrapped her arms around me. 

            "It'll be okay.  She's coming back for you," she said as I bit my lip, hoping she was right.  After Halle turned and waved when they called her flight, and she walked out the door, I slowly turned around and started walking towards her car.  She had me take it because she said I was the only one she trusted with it.  I got in the car, put in the key, but didn't start it.  I just sat there, staring at the picture of her and me she had put in there a long time ago.  It was our third date, a walk in the park, then ice cream.  She was putting the chocolate cone she had in her hand up to my face when she snapped the picture.  She knew I didn't like chocolate, so I was making a face of disgust and she was grinning from ear to ear.  I was laughing mentally at the memory, but it made me cry harder knowing that we wouldn't be able to do anything like that for a long time.  I started crying again just sitting there, but then I realized that if I didn't leave soon, my parking pass would expire.  So I turned the key and started the car, then drove off back to my house.


            "Ma'am?  Ma'am?  We're here," a voice said, shaking my shoulders.  I opened my eyes and looked around.  The plane was empty.  I thanked the flight attendant, grabbed my purse and walked off the plane.  I looked around as I made it into the airport and saw six familiar faces standing a little ways away. I walked up to them, Evie recognizing me instantly.

            "Why, look how much you've grown! I haven't seen you since you were fifteen!"  Evie said, enveloping me in a hug.  I hugged back then noticed the boys.  They all had their jacket hoods pulled up and sunglasses on their faces, like that would stop anyone from recognizing them.

            "We haven't actually met yet, so I'm Halle," I said, sticking out my hand.

            "Hi, but you're part of the family now. No handshakes.  We HUG!"  Liam said, and then they all attacked me in a huge hug.  I hugged them all back as they slowly introduced themselves one by one.  It felt really weird walking into an airport and having One Direction attack you, when usually it would be the other way around.  All seven of us made our way to baggage claim, just making small talk, where I got my suitcase and started rolling it behind me, when someone took it.

            "You just got here and you must be tired.  Let me get that for you."  I looked up and saw Louis now rolling it behind him. 

            "Thank you," I smiled. 

            "So Halle, are you coming to my apartment now or do you want to go hang out with the boys?"  Evie asked me, her long blonde ringlets bouncing as she walked. 

            "Right now?  I just want to go to sleep," I replied as I pulled down my long brunette curls from the low ponytail they were in, letting them cascade down my back.  I didn't know it was going to be this cold in London.  Evie laughed as we stopped in front of a silver car, which I presume was hers.  I waved bye to the boys and we climbed in and drove about 20 minutes to get to her apartment.  I got my bags and we rode up the elevator to the twenty-third floor.  We walked down the hall to the very end, where she opened the door to reveal the most gorgeous apartment I had ever seen.  Everything was silver, but the place still seemed very warm and inviting.  It was very chic.  Evie led me down the hallway to a very big bright turquoise room with 2 twin beds and a flat screen TV.  I plopped by bags onto one of the beds and walked to the other side of the room, where I opened the curtains and looked out over London.  It was breathtaking.  It was still trying to sink in that I was actually in London, England, thousands of miles away from my family, best friend, and amazing boyfriend.  With that thought, I pulled on my red and white checkered pajama pants and threw on a red tank top. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head and flopped down on my bed with my pillow pet in hand and took out my phone.  I sent a quick text to my mom, telling her I was at Evie's.  I also texted Jaden, who I already missed so so so much.  I put my phone on the bedside table, turned on the TV, and rolled over and fell asleep in seconds.  Stupid jet lag.


short chapter, I know.  I was trying to write this while my sister was bugging me really bad.  I was also nearly crying while writing the goodbye </3 ...  but anyways, I did my first Jaden's POV! I felt really weird doing it at first, but then I got into character everything just flowed out of me  :)  Anyways, vote, comment, and fan!!

-Molly xx 

Twitter: @beachdayashton



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