Chapter 25

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  • Dedicado a Josh Devine



            After I got off the phone with Halle, I opened Twitter.  I retweeted a few things, favorited a few things, and did something I haven't done in a long time, I followed a few fans.  When I closed my phone and started to wake up Niall, I heard a scream from downstairs and a door slam, then footsteps up the stairs.  A couple seconds later, a crying Mrs. Walsh came through Halle's bedroom door. 

            "Harry!  Niall!  Let's go," she said through her tears.

            "What happened?" I asked, shaking Niall awake.

            "Just come on, we need to get to the hospital.  Can you drive?" she asked me, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

            "Yeah, I will.  Niall let's go!" I slapped my Irish friend across the face to get him to wake up.  It didn't work.  "I have bacon."

            "Where?" Niall said, shooting up from his spot on the floor, where we all ended up sleeping.

            "Come on guys, please," Halle's mom said.

            "Why?  What happened?" Niall asked her.

            "I'll explain when we get there!  LET'S GO!  You're dressed enough."  I looked down at myself and Niall, we were still dressed in our clothes from yesterday, a black t-shirt and blue jeans.  I grabbed my beanie and took the keys from Mrs. Walsh and the three of us headed downstairs.

 We ran out to her car and nearly sped to the hospital.  I had no idea what was happening, but by the urgency in Halle's mom's voice when she talked to her husband and son on the phone, I knew it was important.  I pulled the car into the hospital parking lot.  My girlfriend's mom didn't even wait for the car to turn off before jumping out and running to the doors.  Niall and I ran to meet up with her, and found her sitting down in the chairs.

            "Okay, we're here, can you tell us what's happening now?" I asked her as kindly as possible.  I was out of breath and kind of irritated she wouldn't tell us what happened. 

            "Well, I was downstairs making breakfast for all of you and I got a phone call."  She paused and took a deep breath, then looked at me, her eyes full of sorrow.  "It was this hospital.  They told me Halle was in a car accident."  My heart shattered at her words. 

            "Well, did they say anything about her condition?" I asked, holding back the tears that were about to spill over.  Before she could answer, my phone started ringing.

            "What?" I snapped into the phone.

            "Woah, attitude," my best friend said.

            "What do you want, Louis?" I asked coldly.

            "Have you seen Halle?  My flight landed almost an hour ago and I can't find her.  She was supposed to pick me up at the airport."

            "No, I haven't seen her, but I know where she is.  Get a cab or something to the hospital," I quickly told him.  I hung up because there was a nurse coming down the hall, and I thought she might have something to do with Halle.  She walked over to where we were sitting and stopped.

            "Are you Harry?" she asked me.

            "Yeah, why?" I gave the nurse a funny look.

            "Are you Halle's boyfriend?"  Okay, so Halle must still be conscious, because there is no other way she would know I was her boyfriend.  She's an older woman with gray hair, probably in her mid-60s, so I kind of doubt she keeps up with the tabloids and would know who we were.  I could always be wrong, though.

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