Chapter 8

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            "No way! That did not happen!" I laughed.  I was at Starbucks with Louis about a week after I came to London.  We had immediately hit it off, as he could always make me smile, and he gave really good advice.  I could tell we were going to be best friends.

            "Yes, it's true!  I did get stung by a sea urchin in Spain and have to hobble around everywhere!"  He said blushing, you could tell it was embarrassing for him. 

            "Okay, now I've shared something embarrassing about me, so tell me something embarrassing about you," he smirked.

            "Okay.  So I was about 15, and I went to my best friend Alyson's house.  It was really nice outside, so we decided to go to the park on a run.  We ran to the park, about a mile away from her house. When we got there, it started raining.  I was really mad, and my makeup started running down my face.  We started running back, and it got really slippery.  I fell into a puddle of mud, and the worst part was, my crush was walking right across the street.  He was with about 3 of his friends, the most popular people in school, and they all started laughing.  I started blushing horribly and started trying to get up.  I made it to my knees, then fell again and split my track pants.  I was so embarrassed.  Alyson didn't realize that at first, but all the guys got a nice view of my underwear.  I went to school the next day and everyone started calling me names.  All the guys in the school were making comments like 'Why didn't you do that when I was there?' and stuff like that.  It was nasty.  A lot of the guys would try to be seductive.  Those pervs."

            Louis was doubled over in his seat laughing his head off.  Everyone in the restaurant was looking at him like he was some kind of freak. 

            "Woah, that is about twenty times more embarrassing than my story!"  He said after he got done with his fit of laughter.  I nodded and took a sip of my double chocolate chip frappuccino.

            "Lou, I'm tired. I was up late last night watching Toy Story with Liam.  All of them," I said, leaning my cheek on the palm of my hand and putting my elbow on the table.

            "Alright, we can head back to your flat.  Or mine, wherever you want to go.  It doesn't matter to me," Louis said standing up.

            "I don't care.  Just somewhere I can put my feet up and lay around in my sweats," I yawned.

            "Okay.  Come on, we're heading to your apartment."

            "It's not my apartment, its Evie's," I stated, slowly standing up.

            "But you live there until the 23rd, then you live on the tour bus with seven sloppy boys," he said, walking out of Starbucks.

            "Does the band not get their own bus?"  I asked.

            "They usually do, but not this time."

            I groaned, then opened the door to Louis' car and climbed in.  It was really cold but I took my shoes off to get more comfortable for the five minute drive to mine and Evie's apartment.  We arrived and ran inside, trying not to get Louis noticed by the paparazzi.  We rode the elevator up 23 stories and speed walked to the end of the hallway.  I used my key Evie got me, it was painted bright green with a red 1D put at the top, to get inside.  I showed Louis where the movies were then went into my room to change into some comfier clothes.  I took off my big coat, skinny jeans, and white MTV crop top and threw on a black pair of sweat pants and a bright pink sports bra.  I put my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head, then walked to the kitchen.  I popped extra butter popcorn, just the way I like it, poured into a bowl, then walked into the living room where Louis was sitting in front of the flat screen with Grease paused on the screen. 

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