Chapter 18

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            "Are you nervous, Harry?" I asked him.  We were finally in Nashville, Tennessee, and our concert was going to start in a couple hours.  All we had left to do before the concert was Harry was going to break up with Mia and then we could finally be together.  I hope she doesn't take it bad as Jaden did last night.  I'm much happier today; I've been talking to Louis about it a lot.  I called my mom and dad last night after the concert and they were very happy for me, they said if I'm happy then they're happy.  Alyson was the same way.  She told me she talked to Jaden and he was happy.  That's what confused me; why was he so happy talking to her when he was crying while I talked to him?  Aly said it was because he already had another girlfriend.  Oh well.

            "Yeah, I'm fine, I just don't know about her," he replied.

            "Okay, just checking," I said, as he sat down on the couch in the dressing room next to me and started singing.

            "People say we shouldn't be together,                                                                                                                                              we're too young to know about forever.                                                                                                                                             I say, they don't know what they talk, talk, talkin' about," Harry sang, but he was interrupted by a knock on the door.  I stood up and went and opened the door.  It was Mia. 

            "Uhm, I need to go see Louis, I'll be right back," I told Harry then ran out the door without even saying hi to Mia.


            "Come on in," I told Mia, standing up.

            "How are you, babe?" She asked, walking over and giving me a kiss on the cheek.

            "Listen, Mia, there is something really important I need to talk to you about," I said, looking at my feet.

            "What's wrong, Hazza?" she said.  It's fine when the boys and Halle call me that, but, it just sounds weird when Mia says it.

            "Okay, so I've been thinking long and hard about this, and I've finally made my decision. This is something I have to do, and I think it will be best for the both of us.  Just you have to promise me one thing: you won't hate me." I looked at her, and she looked into my eyes.  Her eyes were filled with curiosity and confusion.

            "Okay, I promise, just tell me already!" she chuckled.

            "I don't think this," I said, motioning my hands between us, "is working out."  I held my breath and closed my eyes.  I heard her sniff and I opened my eyes to see her crying. 

            "I'm sorry," I told her, reaching out to touch her arm, but she slapped my hand away.

            "Don't touch me.  And I'm breaking a promise.  I HATE YOU!" Mia screamed and ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her.  I just stayed where I was. I was too shocked to move.  She took that a lot harder than I thought she would.  We haven't even been dating that long, but she was crushed.  I thought I would be hurting a least a little bit, but I felt kind of relieved that I as single and Halle and I could finally be together.  That thought brought a smile to my face.

Dirty Little Secret (h.s.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora