Chapter 27

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            When I arrived at the hospital in my mom's Escalade, I ran inside and found Harry asleep in the waiting room.  I walked over to him and tapped on his shoulder.  Nothing.

            Tap tap tap.


            So, I hit his shoulder.

            Still nothing.

            This time, I used my best girly voice and shouted, "Oh my Gosh it's Harry Styles!"

            That got him up, and made him fall out of the chair. 

            "What was that all about?" he asked, sitting up and rubbing his head where he fell.  Meanwhile, I was laughing at his reaction.

            "I tried waking you up, but you wouldn't, so I did that," I explained.  "But where's my sister and why are you sleeping in the waiting room?"

            "Halle's in surgery; and she has been for a couple hours.  They're working on the five places she broke in her wrist.  I came out here and started watching TV when they took her back, so I guess I fell asleep.  Did your mom just now tell you about her accident?"

            I nodded.  "Yes, and I don't even know all of what happened."

            "She was on her way to get Louis from the airport, and someone hit her.  She was rushed here, and the hospital called your mom.  She has a broken foot, wrist, and a big gash on her forehead from flying glass from her window.  Her car is totaled, too," he told me.  I was in shock.  At least she's okay, though.  Things could have gone much worse.

            "Oh," I whispered.  "When will she be out?"

            "Don't know.  When she first went back, the doctor said about 2 to 3 hours, and that was two-and-a-half hours ago.  She should be out any minute now."  I nodded and sat down in the seat next to him, burying my face in my hands.  I really hope she's okay.

            "Hey Harry?" I said after about ten minutes of us just sitting there and watching the TV.


            "You don't happen to have an extra shirt or sweatshirt in your car, do you?  I forgot to grab one before I ran out of the house.  It's a good thing I remembered to slip on my slides," I asked, slightly embarrassed.  I'm amazed the nurses let me in dressed as I am.

            "Yeah, I'll go get it.  Hang on," he answered, getting up.  He ran outside and came back in a few minutes later with a Jack Wills sweatshirt.  I pulled it on over my head, and snuggled into it warmly.

            "Wait, why are you here?  No offense, but I thought you guys broke up a while back?"  I asked him.

            "Oh, uh, we, uh did," the curly haired boy stuttered.

            "Then why are you here?" I repeated.

            "Well, your mom and Niall and Lou wanted to go back to your house and get something to eat, and I didn't want her to come out of surgery to nobody."  I nodded and leaned back in my chair, focusing on the TV playing some Disney Channel show about a talking dog.

            After about another hour and many people coming in and out of the waiting room, some crying and some smiling and laughing, a nurse came out.

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