Chapter 11

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The next morning I awoke to a naked Hermione with her hand in mine, that would usually be a good thing except.

I was in a Gryffindor dorm and I forgot to go back to mine, now seeing that it was a Saturday everyone would most likely be in the common room and I needed to get back to my dorm.

"Morning sleepy head wake up" I said to Hermione

She looked so peaceful sleeping there in my arms.

"what? oh Maya hello. Wait your still here! Fuck" Hermione looked like she was going to explode.

"Yeah I know I just feel asleep and well we are here now and I don't know what do." I said

"Well I'll shit, hold on I have an idea put a shirt on here. I'm sorry about this I'll be back!" she said quickly getting dressed and walking out of her dorm.

What the hell was she doing? Was she going to get everyone to leave, why did I need a shot and no pants?

I heard the door open an inch

"Ok so Ginny, before you react. You have to listen to me and you can't tell anyone, ok?"

"Holy shit, did you sleep with Malfoy or something" asked Ginny.

I saw Hermione pull and unfamiliar red head girl into her dorm.

"Holy shit Hermione? You slept with Sutherland!" Ginny said.

"Nice to meet you too Weasley" I said sarcastically.

"So, urm. I kind of need you to steal Harry's invisibility cloak so I can sneak Maya out.." Hermione asked.

"Ok" Ginny said "But.."

There is always a but isn't there.

"I want to know everything all the details all the everything, then I will steal the cloak" she finished.

"How about you steal the cloak, I put some pants on. And Hermione puts her shirt on the right way and does up her fly, then I'll tell you everything you want to know." I said

"You've got yourselves a deal" and with that she went down the stairs.

Hermione was completely red and fumbling with her fly.

"Hey pretty girl mind getting me some pants and a shirt?" I asked

"Only because you think I'm pretty." She giggled.

I transfigured her clothes into something that I would wear and sat next to her on the small couch, pulling her in for a kiss.

"Break it up and move over, I've got a cloak and I'm not giving it over until I get all the details." Ginny said whilst shoving herself in between us.

Once Hermione and I had wrapped up the whole story Ginny, Hermione and I headed down the stairs. I was obviously under the cloak.

"Hey Mione, you feeling alright? It's like 11:30" said Harry.

"Yeah not like you to miss anythang" chimed in Shamus.

"Mione's mot feeling well, I'm taking her to madam Pomfery." Ginny answered.

"Hope you feel better soon sorry about that Mione." Said Ron as we left the common room.

Ginny, Hermione and I had made our way to the second floor and parted ways. That didn't go as bad as I thought it would, but now I had to face the Slytherins.

I quietly made my way into the common room, no one was there. Weird.

I decided I would just go into my dorm and hope to god Pansy was still asleep, she usually slept in and the boys would usually go fuck around somewhere in the castle.

I walked into my dorm only to find Blaise, Pansy and Draco all sitting on my bed.

"Fuck." That was all I could manage to get out.

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