Chapter 32

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Narrator's POV:

"Fuck off Draco!" Theo said with a huff sliding his chips across the table "Why the hell are you so good at Poker." 

"You see why I refused to play now?" Pansy asked laughing at the defeated Theo "Blaise how about you?" 

"About as good as Theo over there, maybe better. Alright Malfoy show ti-" Blaise said interrupted by the sound of the Flu. 

"Shit, I hope that's not my mother. She hates poker and she is supposed to be back in a week" Draco said collecting his chips and sculling down the rest of his wine. "It might be Maya, she said she was bringing Granger for the day right?" 

"Draco, it's still Christmas they aren't coming for another three days." Pansy said trying to figure out who was in the house. "Right well let's go look, come on Draco."  

Pansy and Draco made there way into the drawing room to see Maya standing there, alone. Her eye's where blood-shot and puffy, tears still cascading down her pale face. 

"Holy shit." Draco muttered before running over to Maya and engulfing her in a hug as she bought them both down to the ground. "Woah breathe Maya what happened, ok just take a deep breath. Yeah Yeah, just like that." 

Pansy came and sat down next to the both of them stroking Maya's hair whilst she wept into to Draco's arms, Blaise and Theo had heard the commotion. 

Pansy quickly jumped up and ran over to the boys. 

"Something happened to Maya, she won't talk she's only crying. Godric knows where Hermione is when you need her, so you two will make a cup off tea and put sleeping drought and dreamless sleep potion in it." Pansy said in one big breath looking both the boys dead in the face. 

Draco still had Maya cradled in her arms as she wept, Pansy and Draco trying to communicate with there eye's. 

Blaise and Theo had come back with the cup off tea, sitting down on the drawing room's cold floor next to Maya. 

"Here Maya, take a sip. It's got some sleeping drought in it." Theo said handing her the cup, Maya almost spilling in due to her hands shaking.

Pansy walked her up to one of the guest rooms in the east wing and walked her into her bed tucking her in. 

"Maya? Do you want to talk about what happened?" Pansy asked sitting next to her on the bed 

"Get the boy's I only want to repeat this once" Maya said with a shaky voice. 

Pansy arrived a few minutes later with all the boys sitting on the bed around Maya, everyone was very curious as to what had happened. 

"I was getting ready for bed when someone knocked on my door, it was Potter. He needed help finding Weasley so naturally I agreed because I was looking for Hermione." Maya said the tears starting to flow again. "Then we walked up the stairs and then- well R-Ron and Hermione, well kissing and uh. So I ran and Hermione chased me and then she told me she could explain but-" 

Maya's voice broke and she started to ball again, everyone around her looking extremely concerned no one had ever seen her cry this much. 

"Hey it's alright." Draco said giving her a hug "We will let you sleep yeah?" 

Maya mumbled back a response and everyone let her be. 

Maya's POV: 

I awoke with a horrid headache and a sore stomach I sat up to look around to find myself in Malfoy Manor, Oh. It had hit me like a wave all over again, I slowly started to remember what had happened. 

I slowly swung my leg's around off the edge of the bed, I almost fell over I felt like I was having a bad hangover. I slowly made my way to the kitchen, everyone was there having a cup off tea. 

"Holy shit your alive." Theo said giving me a sympathetic smile. 

"What do you mean I'm still alive." I asked walking into the large kitchen trying to quench my hunger. 

"You've been out three day's cold, you must be starving" Pansy said walking over to me. 

Mippy one of the house elves whipped me up a coffee and some eggs, I sat on the bench everyone was silent I could practically feel the pity. 

"I'm going back to bed." I said abruptly putting my half eaten plate down, I wasn't that hungry anyway not that I needed it. 

I hoped back in and started to get comfy when I heard someone knock at my door, great I thought to myself. 

"Who is it?" I asked trying not to sound annoyed.   

"It's me" Pansy said opening the door and making her way to my bed, before I could open my mouth she was already in my bed now.  

"Look I know you hate pity so you won't have any of mine, I just don't want you to be like this forever it ok to grieve. But your going to have to face her and choose if you want to let her go or reconcile, but for now your mother fucking Maya, Love you." Pansy said, and with that she had left. 

I had gotten comfy again and settled back into a deep sleep.  

The next morning I lay awake in bed feeling nothing but pure anger, Pansy was right. I was in a mood, and all I wanted to do was destroy shit so that's what I would do. 

I ran myself a bath and washed away and sign of sadness, I put on make-up and did my hair. Now what the fuck to wear, I'd found a very pretty pair of red stilettos they would do about 7'inchs and well fuck it. 

I went straight to my under wear and put on a pair of matching black, very small lingre. You see I had spent a lot of time here at the manor when my mother was sick so I had a whole room with my clothes and things. 

I knew what I was going to do, I strutted over to the desk and opened the top draw to find my lovely collection of throwing knifes. Running my finger over my collection trying to find the perfect knife, and bingo a nice gold plated dagger type knife. 

I made my way down the stairs and out to the drawing room were everyone was, thank god Lucius wasn't home. 

"Maya?" Pansy asked gaping at me holding a large knife whilst dressed like a stripped with bold red lipstick.  

"What the hell are you doing?" Draco asked "Your wearing nothing and your holding a knife." 

"Not a knife Draco, a throwing dagger. If you must know I'm going to throw it at things outside." I said making my way to the door. 

"Maya, its freezing out there." Blaise said looking very concerned "You'll freeze" 

"Tough luck then, still going." I was off to find the massive target Draco and I had make in our fourth year it wasn't far.  

A/N: Next chapter will be from Hermione's perspective and more about Maya's knife throwing hobbies, as well as some other things I don't want to spoil. 

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