Chapter 33

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Nobody's POV:

Hermione dropped to her knee's in front of the know empty fire place clutching the locket Maya had just thrown at her, tears poring from her eye's as a shocked and confused Weasley watched her not know what had happened.

George was the first to drop down and comfort Hermione as she hyperventilated on the cold floor, Ron and Harry had been standing at the stairs until they ran over to her.

The whole family was there watching in disbelief as the whole event unfolded. Ron had made his way over to Hermione.

"DON'T TOUCH ME RONALD WEASLEY!" Hermione screamed

"Hermione please!" Ron yelled back at her "I don't know why I kissed you I just did!"

"NO YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT AND SAY SORRY, YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!" Hermione yelled trying to get to him but George had held her back.

Much to George's dismay she had wiggled free and sprinted up the stair case, Ginny following closely behind her.

Before she could shut the door behind her Ginny had stopped her.

"I'm not going to stop you from locking yourself in here, but don't worry about me I'll just bunk with Harry." Ginny said closing the door leaving Hermione to herself.

She cast a series of strong wards locking the door keeping anyone from entering, she stumbled back and fell onto the bed wrapping herself up.

She let out a loud cry and started to let her eye's flood with tears again, she held Maya's locket close to her heart and drifted off to sleep.

Hermione wasn't sure how long she had slept. She had woken up multiple times wishing it was a dream only to wake up alone again, she was filled with anger, sadness, guilt and much more.

She gave into the temptation and drifted back to sleep.

That very night Maya left Harry had sent Draco an owl.


'Draco Malfoy,

I'm very sure you were shocked to see Maya last night. I'm not sure what has happened with the girls all I know is that I can't bare to see Hermione like this and I'm sure you can't bare to see Maya in similar condition.

There is most definitely more to the story than Maya saw, I've spoken to Ronald and he has told me that he had in fact kissed Hermione and Hermione had not kissed him.

Please owl me back as soon as possible.




I must can not argue with you on this one, Maya is absolutely miserable and has locked herself away in her room. I've come up with a plan and I just need you to ask Granger if she is willing to prove her innocents.

We could extract her memory and have the two girls watch it, if she agrees we will have the two girls meet.




I currently cannot speak to Hermione she is still locked herself in her room, she's a dam good witch and has used wards. I'll owl you if she agrees, I'm sure the girls will be fine.



Everyone in the Burrow had stopped past Hermione's room to try get her to come out, but to everyone's dismay they all failed.

Hermione had been locked in her room for 3 days doing god knows what, it was about three in morning when Harry had came to try to get into Hermione's room again.

"Hermione, I know you can hear me just let me in we can talk" Harry said sitting outside the door.

Hermione slipped a small piece of parchment under the door with the door that read 'Don't let anyone else in'. The door slowly opened and Hermione pocked her head of out the door, her hair was a complete mess and had large dark circles around her eyes.

Harry sat there astonished and and very concerned seeing Hermione like this, as soon as she opened the door Harry almost knocked her to the ground pulling her into a hug.

"Hermione look, I've been talking to Malfoy and he came up with a plan. Can you give me your Memory?" Harry asked still holding onto her. '

"Please just take it." Hermione said starting to cry again.

Harry extracted the memory and comforted Hermione until she fell asleep again. Once Hermione was asleep he hurried downstairs, too the flu.

"Malfoy Manor" He quietly said finding himself at the Manor, a small house elf approaches Harry.

"Hello Mr. Potter, how can Mippy help." The house elf asked him.

"Could you please get Draco Malfoy for me its urgent" Harry said holding the memory in hand pacing back a forth.

The small house elf hurried up the stairs towards Draco's bedroom, Mippy knocked on the door and awaited an answer.

"What is it Mippy? It's very early." Draco said rubbing his eyes, it had to be at least four in the morning he thought to himself.
"Mr. Potter is down stairs, he says its urgent" Mippy said making her way back down stairs.

Odd Draco thought to himself, he quickly put on a sweater and made his way to the drawing room.

"Draco, I've got the memory. I'm sorry I couldn't wait, I need to see it." Harry said practically screaming and shoving the memory in his hand.

"Ok, follow me." Draco said taking the memory and walking towards an office, he poured the memory in the Pensieve both the boys peered into it.

"Hello Ron, what did you need to talk about." Hermione asked as she made her way over to sit next to Ron.

"Hi Hermione, I'm not really sure how to say this but well-" Ron said practically stuttering in-between every word.

"Ron are you alright?" Hermione asked looking slightly concerned .

Before Hermione could say anything else Ron had pulled her in and kissed her, the shock in her eyes told the whole story. She immediently pushed Ron away and opened her mouth to yell at Ron when one saw Maya and Harry in the corner of her eye.

Draco and Harry goth pulled there heads out of the water looking at each other with chock.

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