Chapter 2

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Everyone had already left for breakfast, the common room was so quite without anyone. I left the common room and left the dungeon.

The great hall was filled to the brim with students talking and eating there breakfast, I spotted my friends at the Slytherin table and took a seat next to Pansy. 

Blaise and Draco sat across the table from us, and Theo sat in the seat next to Pansy.

 "Welcome back Maya? Willing to tell us who the lucky man is?" Blaise teased from across the table.

"C'mon Blaise we all know it's me" Draco said whilst giving me a wink. I shot him a death look and rolled my eyes at him, I'm pretty sure he got the message.

"You boys need to stop speculating! It has nothing to do with either of you and if I dare so myself you too are quite off the money and I have standards" I said 

"And this little boys, is where I come in" Theo said giving me a wink.

"Bugger of Theo!" I said fighting back laughter.

"Oh, dam boys, she got you. She'd rather prefer me!" Pansy said. 

How did she know? No it's just a joke, she doesn't know. 

The boys spent most of breakfast bickering, that was just the usual. Pansy and I just gossiped about the Hogwarts drama, as well as teasing the boys. 

The four of us made our way down to the potions room in the dungeons. Fuck I realized that we had Potions with the Gryffindor's, and I look like shit! Stupid Pansy I'll get her later.

I could barely concentrate; I was so anxious from this morning's conversation and the fact that I look horrendous. Snape was blabbing on per usual about brewing some stupid potion, I wasn't really paying attention until I heard the mention that Snape, we going to be paring us up.

"You will all be put in pairs; I will not be swapping so no point in complaining unless you want to spend your Saturday with me" Snape blabbed.

"Alright, Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Zabani" Snap continued. "And finally, Mrs. Granger and Mrs. Southerland."

Well fuck how delightful! I look like shit, and feel like shit now I have to manage myself around Hermione! Execute me please!

"It's Maya, right?" Hermione asked.

"Oh yeah that's me and your Hermione?" I had to act like I didn't stare at her every time she walks by. "Oh, and don't worry I don't care about blood purity and all that bullshit"

"Thank god! I didn't think I could last a whole morning being called a Mudblood" Hermione said whilst laughing.

The morning went by fast, Hermione and I had quite easy chemistry. I could feel the stairs of the other Slytherins as well as the one coming from the Gryffindor's, I could tell Hermione was becoming unconfutable so I started to quite down.

We had finished brewing our potion quite early and had both been excused from class, we quietly walked down the hall.

"Granger? I was wondering if you could tutor me in DADA?" I said anxiously "It's fine if you don't want too"

"Sure, I would love too, and please feel free to call me Hermione, you one of the least hostile Slytherins I have ever met!" she said smiling

"Yes, well my friend to be quite frank can be assholes! Oh, and call me Maya." I said with a smile growing on my face. "I'm headed to my common room; um meet at the Library after dinner tonight?"

"Sure thing!" she said

I quickly scurried back to the common room going red in the face, we had another hour before my next classes and my friends would be arriving back here any minutes. I had 2 minutes to gain my composer and act like nothing ever happened!

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