Chapter 17

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I felt quite lonely the rest of the day, most likely because all I wanted was Hermione. That was usual except we seemed to make our way to each others beds for the night, disappointing.

I knew that Blaise and Draco were planning something tonight, not quite sure what. That was making me anxious and craving Hermione more than before, fuck my life.

Class felt like it took forever, finally the ended. Blaise, Draco, Theo, Pansy and I all made our way towards the common room.

"Oh I forgot to mention I invited some move people to our little drinking night." Draco blurted out.

"Who?" Pansy asked.

"Just a certain bunch of Gryffindor's and maybe a couple of Ravenclaws." Blaise said

Fuck, they planned something and I couldn't back out it would be to suspicious. That if they invited Hermione? No they wouldn't talk to her.

"Like who?" I asked trying not to get flustered.

"Just the Golden Trio, some Weasleys." Theo said.

"Yeah and Looney Lovegood" Blaise said.

"Great." I said "How did you convince them?"

"Oh I just told them we would be played Vertisirum truth or dare!" Draco said.

That smart mother fucker really was a Slytherin. I couldn't back down now that would narrow the list of people down, besides the odds of Hermione actually agreeing to come was pretty slim. 

It was about 11:30 when people started to arrive at the common room door. They all arrived at once in a big group, fuck Hermione was here.

I gave her a faint smile, she was obviously anxious couldn't blame her one bit. I was feeling the exact same.

Everyone made there way up to my dorm, as soon as we got in there the first we did was crack open a bottle of fire whisky to get everyone a little bit tipsy.

"Alright let the games begin!" Draco said pulling out a vile of vertisirum. "Everyone place a drop on your tongue and pass it around the circle it will last about 1 hour so we are all in for a bumpy ride!" 

Everyone made there way around the circle placing a drop on there tongue.

"How about if you don't do your dare or answer your truth you have to loose a piece of clothing" Fred Weasley suggested.

Everyone agreed and Blaise started.

"Alright truth or dare, Theo!" Blaise asked

"Truth" Theo said.

"Do you have a crush on anyone in the room!" Blaise asked

"Yes" Theo blurted out.

Everyone in the room started laughing and teasing Theo a bit wondering who it may be.

"Ok, ok. Weaslette truth or dare?" Theo asked

"Weaslette? Seriously ok fine Dare." Ginny said confidently.

"I dare you to sit in Potter's lap for the rest of the game" Theo said laughing.

She complied and went over to sit in his lap.

"Ok Malfoy, truth or dare?"

"Truth" Draco said.

"How many people have you shagged in this room."

"1" He said "Ok Maya truth or dare"

Fucking asshole this was his plan the whole time wasn't it.

"Truth" I said

"Who have you been sneaking around with?" He said

"Skip" I said whilst pulling my shirt over my head.

"Wow there Sutherland, who ever you have been sneaking around with got a little bit carried away." One of the Weasley twins said.

"Fuck, I forgot about that hickey" I said out loud

"That? Don't you mean those. There have to be atleast 15, and you've only got your top off." Harry Potters said.

The game continued on for a while, Blaise had given Luna Lovegood a kiss. Draco didn't have a shirt on as well and the Weasley twins.

"Ok Sutherland, truth or dare?" Ron Weasley asked.

"Truth" I asked, why did I do that. I mean I had downed almost a full bottle of fire whiskey. 

"Who gave you all those Hickeys?" Ron asked

Without thinking I answered. "Hermione"  My jaw practically fell to the ground, fuck. Why did I do that I didn't even mean too, how could a I do this.

I looked over to Hermione, she was red as hell. She had gotten up and ran, I got up and ran after her.

"No fucking way" Draco said

"Holy shit" Ron said

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