Chapter 6

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I made my way down from my common room to the Library before anyone could notice I had been there; I made my way to Hermione's spot. I was welcomed with a smile and a wave per usual, this was probably one of the best parts of my day.

"So, Maya! How's everything going?"

"Pretty good, just the usual. The boys are constantly complaining, but what can I say boys will be boys!"

"I have to agree, Harry and Ron keep wanting to know what I'm up too but I tell them that it's not of their business and that they aren't my mother's!"

"I've told Blaise and Draco the same! Boys can be so pushy and needy, that's why I couldn't even imagine having a boyfriend."

"You know Maya I could agree more! Alright let's get to studding"

We both sat silently studding, it wasn't awkward it was peaceful. It was nice knowing someone was there, that they didn't need to talk to you. They could feel your presence, they knew you were there.

"Hey Hermione?"

"Yeah Maya?"

"I was wondering if you could help me with question 8"

"Sure thing!"

Hermione leaned over the table to show me where to read, we both looked up at the same time and locked eyes. Something about her Toffee eyes drew me in, they were like a deep lake I couldn't look away.

I had softly pressed my lips against hers, when out lips met it had felt like I had walked into the happiest place on earth. Her lips were warm and some, she smelt so nice as well.

She didn't pull away; she has kissed me back. I couldn't believe what was happening, she had really kissed me back.

Before I had time to really enjoy the kiss she pulled away.

"I'm sorry Maya! I have to go."

"Wait Hermione! Don't go, please"

"I-I- I have to go, I'll meet you here tomorrow. Same time like always"



And with it was over, she had left. I didn't know what to feel, I was happy because I had just left Hermione Granger. But I was upset and confused because she left, but she said she would come back.

I had to go to sleep this was all too much to process, so I headed up to my dorm.

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