Chapter 16

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Hermione Grangers POV:

Ginny and I managed to sneak out of the Slytherin common room, we made our way back to our common room hoping and praying that Harry and Ron didn't notice they were gone.

There sitting on the couch was Harry and Ron, I quickly conjured a scarf to hide my neck and jaw before the boys could see. Thank god it was winter.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" Asked Ron

"We went for a walk fuck wit" Ginny said 

"Oh that's ok then" Harry said.

"I highly doubt that" Said Fred coming from the other side of the common room

"Look at Grangers hands, quite fidgeting and hasn't said a word" George added

"We all know how bad of a liar Granger is" Fred added taking a step closer towards them "You girls smell exactly like.."

"Weed" George finished

"That's wrong very wrong," I said frantically. "I have to go to the bathroom I'll see you all at breakfast"

I ran up to the bathroom to brush my teeth, cover my countless hickeys and try to get rid of the smell of weed.

Maya's POV:

The boys had not yet come to the breakfast table, which was weird.

Then I saw them going around the Gryffindor Table looking to see if any girl were covered in hickeys or missing a tie, mother fuckers.

Draco's POV:

"Alright if this doesn't work we will throw a party, invite the Gryffindors challenge them to a game of truth or dare." I said to the boys

"I've got vertisirum from last party which we can use" Theo added.

"Alright ladies anyone missing a tie?" Blaise said walking around the Gryffin-dork table

Everyone told us to bugger off, so that didn't work we would just throw the party.

Maya's POV:

"Are you three fucking serious? You had to pull a big stunt didn't you" I said

"Yes, yes we did." Theo said

"Oh and we are having our catch up tonight because Maya had guests!" Draco said.

"Ok fine, but you boys can bring the whiskey" Pansy said

The day had flew by and it was now lunch, nothing much had happened that morning besides the incident.

Lunch was also quite boring, I had seen Hermione leave the table early and decided to follow her. After no one was in site I called out Hermione's name.

"Maya some one could see us!" She said looking around the corridor

"No ones around!" I said

When she got close to me I pulled her close to me and grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her with me, I slowly had my way to a small supply closet.

Before she could protest I put my lips against hers, it had only been about 4 hours since I had last kissed her but it had felt like an eternity.

I couldn't feel any happier with her lips against mine, maybe it was the warmth. Or the rush of electricity I got, or maybe even the fact that I was just with her.

"Maya, I've got to get to get to class in a minute." She said with her lips still against mine.

"Oh please, I can't let you go!" I pleaded.

"I'll see you later." Hermione said

She kissed me once more before she left the closet, huh how ironic the closet.

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