Chapter 22

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The next morning I awoke at about 9 that morning, everyone seemed to be asleep execpt for Pansy and Ginny who had been quietly chatting away.

I'm not surpised that those two became friends, they both have the same bad bitch energy.

I looked over to Hermione who was still sleeping peacefully, her hair was always to frizzy in the morning. She looks so cute, I decided to quietly get out of bed and go see Ginny and Pansy.

"Morning girlies." I said a hushed voice whilst sitting down next to Pansy

"Good morning Maya" Ginny said.

"Have fun last night?" Pansy asked in a sly tone

"Ha-ha, very funny but you should really ask Hermione." I said trying not to laugh at the other girls faces.

"Anyway, its good to see all the boys not at eachother throats. It's honestly kind of weird if you ask me, like I was expecting them to hate each other like usual." Ginny said

"I think it's just all an act, honestly. Besides house untiy has become a big thing at Hogwarts now, I'm most surpised about Harry and Draco I mean they hated each other." Pansy said

"I mean I think they think of Hermione and I as there little sisters, so I'm guessing they are tollerating each other for mine and Hermiones sake." I said

The girls and I chated for a good fifteen minutes until we heard Hermione get up, she looked exhuasted. She sat up and came over to us letting a groan out when she stood up, she came a sat herself down in my lap still looking half alseep.

"Someone looks sleepy!" Pansy said giggling

"Shut up" Hermione said her voice slightly muffled due to the fact she had her head burried into my arm.

"I think its because someone got some!" Ginny said possibly a bit too loudly. Pansy and Ginny both broke out laughing with shit eating grins from ear to ear on both of there faces.  They

laughed even more when Hermione let out a misserable groan.

"Could you girls be any louder?" A very misserable Blaise Zabini said rubbing his eyes as he sat up, he looked even more misserable when he realised Draco and Theo were still enjoying a snooze.

"Get over here grumpy and join the fun." Pansy said whist still laughing.

Blaise got up and made his way over to us, to Ginny and Hermione's surpise he was a very big gossip.

"Granger looks grumpy" Blaise said quite bluntly

"Shove off" Hermione said

"Yeah she's in a very bad mood didn't sleep much" I said

It was about 10pm when everyone was awake and started to pile out of the dorm to get ready for the day and head to class in an hour.

The day passed by quite quickly, Pansy and I had bumped into Ginny and Hermione a few times in the halls.

The Slytherin's and Gryffindor's had all had Astronomy that night in the tower. I had made my way up there early to get a good seat up the back were I could avoid being seen, so I could sleep or do whatever.

Everyone started arrive, I waited for Hermione but she didn't seem to be here yet. Just before class started she came, fortunately all the other seats were taken so she had to sit with me.

"Granger." I said. Not everyone knew we were dating so we had to act mildly hostile towards each other.

"Sutherland" she replied in the same tone.

I pulled out a piece of parchment and pulled out my quill.

'Hey we can talk on here ;)' I wrote

Hermione looked over to me and smiled I knew I was going to have fun this lesson.

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