Chapter 25

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I awoke at about five the next morning, the Gryffindor tower got the morning sun. The sun had only just started to peak up from the forbidden forest.

I slowly tried to get out of bed without waking Hermione, she looked so peaceful sleeping there I'd never leave if I had the chance. But to my dismay I woke her up, she rolled over and looked up at me slipping my shirt back on.

"Do you have to leave me?" A very sleepy Hermione asked giving me puppy eyes.

"You know that I have to go, besides I'll see you in class" I said making my way to the door.

I turned around to see Hermione waving my goodbye with a sad look on her face.

"Don't make me feel bad" I said slowly closing the door behind me "Come spend the night at mine and hang out with my friends, it's Friday you know"

"If I don't have much homework I'll meet you in the Library after dinner and you can sneak me in" Hermione said looking slightly more happy than before "Bye, Bye"

Hogwarts was so cold in the morning especially this early in the morning, I always hated the walk back to my dorm. It was long and lonely, and if my luck was really bad I'd walk past some Ravenclaw shagging a Hufflepuff.

I walked back into the common room expecting it to be empty, but I was proven wrong when I saw Theo sitting on the common room couch.

"Theo? What's got you up so early?" I asked Theo who seemed to have something on his mind.

"You wouldn't get it girl problems" He said giving me a dramatic look.

"I know it's almost 6 am in the morning, but I'm sorry did I hear your right?" I asked almost bursting into laughter. "I'm a girl and I'm dating one, hit me"

"Oh right, sorry I forgot you were Maya for a second" Theo said laughing "I like someone and I think they like me back but I don't know what to do"

"Kiss her, that's what I did" I said giving him a nudge.

"No fuck off, you give the worst advise. I'll go wake Malfoy up" Theo said huffing and dramatically walking up to the boys dorms.

"Drama queen" I muttered under my breath

The day flew by again by the time I knew it I was on my way to the Library to sneak Hermione up to the boys dorm, everyone decided to hang out there tonight. We all agreed even though it was a Friday night we where not going to drink or smoke.

I found Hermione in our usual spot reading a book, as soon as she saw me she jumped up and gave me a hug practically suffocating me.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Hermione asked

"We are hanging out with my friends in the boy's dorm" I said

She looked a tad but defeated probably because it evolved not having my undivided attention, I mean I couldn't blame her but I needed them to all get along and hanging was the only way.

"Ugh, why." She asked giving me her puppy eyes again. "Because and besides we can sleep in its Saturday and Pansy is spending the night in Astoria's dorm!"

Hermione and I stayed in the Library for another twenty minutes we had to wait for everyone to get drunk, high or busy so we could sneak her in.

We both made our way down the halls, when Hermione stopped me.

"Here follow me, I need to show you something" She said pulling my hand and bringing me to a statue.

She pull the finger of the statue and it moved out of the way to reveal a secret passage way, she pulled me along until we were at another statue. Before I knew it we were at the dorm of the common room, I was practically speechless.

"You amaze me more and more every day, seriously." I said whilst I snuck her up to the boys dorm room.

"Pansy, nice to see you again!" Hermione said walking in the door, she walked over to Pansy and started chatting with her.

"It's like I don't even exist" Theo said dramatically looking over in Hermione's direction.

"Alright I have fire whiskey anyone thirsty" Blaise asked holding a big bottle of Fire Whiskey in his hand.

"What happened to not drinking?" Hermione asked laughing

"Granger we are all Slytherins, what did you expect?" Draco said taking the bottle from Blaise and taking a sip.

After about 10 minutes of handing the bottle around the room everyone was pretty tipsy, Blaise had his shirt off Hermione was on my lap and Theo was almost in Pansy's lap.

"Ok, ok let's play something" Pansy said "How about we play Kiss Marry Kill!"

"Yes! We have to play come on, Theo get out of Draco's lap and come sit in a circle" I said pulling Hermione along with me.

"Get out of his lap" Theo said mocking me "All you do is sit Granger in your lap!"

"Hey leave me out of this!" Hermione yelled at Theo.

"Ok, Draco Kiss Marry Kill" Blaise said "Alright, Weasel B, Scarhead and Theo!"

"God I'd kill Weasel B, Snog Scarhead and marry Theo" Draco said "Actually I'd rather pitch myself off the astronomy tower."

"Righty-o Granger, Kiss Marry Kill. Me, Theo and Blaise!" Draco said taking another long sip of Fire Whiskey.

"Alright hand me the bottle" Hermione said grabbing the bottle and taking a long, long sip. "Shit ok so, I'd kill you Malfoy. No offence long time history wouldn't work out."

"None taken Granger aren't my cup of tea either" Draco said

"I'd kiss Theodore." Hermione said with a sigh.

"I'm flattered Granger truly am, also Maya would kill me if I got anywhere near you." Theo said.

"And lastly Mr. Zabani, I'd marry you. But that's only because you are the most low maintenance out of the three." Hermione said giving all the boys a winning smile.

"I'm better than all you three!" Blaise said in a sing song voice.

"Yeah but I'm better than all of you!" I said in a sing song voice before, pinning Hermione down and smashing my lips into hers.

"Honestly get a room, and sadly it's probably going to be mine" Pansy said laughing because all the boys looked extremely annoyed "I'm going to spend the night with Astoria!"

"It's kind of hot, to be honest." Theo said nudging Blaise

"For once I'm agreeing with Theo." Blaise said with a disappointed look in his face. 

Everyone continued to drink and play games, until everyone passed out.
Hermione and I had fell asleep in entangled in each other's limbs on the couch and Theo had bunked with Blaise whilst Draco had his bed to himself.

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