Chapter 18

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"Hermione wait!" 

She was extremely fast, we both sprinted down the halls at lightning pace. I couldn't catch her, I'd have to corner her. 

A million thoughts ran threw my head as I chased her. 

'Was this it?' 

'Would we talk?' 

We ran threw the halls not giving a dam if a teacher stopped us, we ran and ran until she had to stop at the Gryffindor Common Room entrance. 

My eyes filled with tears and my chest burning from running up 3 floors, all I wanted to do was make sure she was ok. 

Before she could get into the common room she fell to the floor shaking and crying. I dived down onto my knee's towards her to comfort her, I held her in my arms as she cried. 

We both knew that everyone had to find out eventually, but I never wanted it like this. The sight of her crying on the floor broke my heart into a million pieces, all I cared about was her. 

 "Shh, Mione it's ok take a deep breathe." I said calmly trying to comfort her, it wasn't working. 

She was starting to burn up, I cast a cooling charm over her and she started to re-gain her breath. 

"Hermione I'm sorry, I never meant for this to happen I couldn't stop the words from falling out" 

She didn't speak she just laid there in my arms both of us sitting against the cold floor. I couldn't tell how long we had been sitting there, all I could focus on was Hermione as she laid in my arms. 

"It's ok." Hermione said. That was all she said, but I couldn't have asked for more. 

I pulled her face up too mine a gave her a soft kiss on the forehead. Her eyes where bloodshot and she was covered in a thin layer of sweat. 

Panic attack, she had a panic attack. 

I grabbed her hand and pulled her up into my arms embracing her. 

"I think I know somewhere we can go." I said leading her up the stairs. 

Third Persons POV:  

"Did that just happen?" Fred Weasley asked 

"Yeah I think it did" George responded. 

"Hold on that means Ginny knew about this!" Ron said practically screaming. 

"Pansy knew too" Blaise added. 

"I can't fucking believe it" Draco said 

To say everyone was shocked was an under statement. They had just watch the two girls run out of the room at top speed, hearing Maya yell Hermione's name. 

"Fuck. Look everyone should just leave them to sort there thing out" Pansy said 

"Agreed everyone will stay here for a while give them some space" Ginny said 

Everyone was shocked as each other no one at all had suspected this. Pansy and Ginny had broken the group up in two so they could talk to everyone. 

Pansy's POV: 

"Ok so, everyone is going to tell me how they feel. Then if you get that wrong, I'll tell you the answer got it?" I said "Ok how about you got first Theo" 

"I mean we all knew that she was going out or hooking up with a Gryffindor who happened to be a girl" Theo said trying to to say the wrong thing not looking to get hexed today "I mean I guess I was just really fucking surprised that it's Granger. But yet again we all saw her at the yule ball" 

I let a sigh of relief one down two to go. 

"Ok Blaise! It's is your go to not get hexed!" I said with probably a little bit to much enthusiasm. 

"I mean she is a Mud blood, so that's on the down side. Wow Pansy calm down but I really don't care, as long as I don't have to deal with those two giving each-other hickeys like the one's I've seen on Maya." Blaise finished looking slightly on edge but since he hadn't been hexed, he was doing pretty well.

Now for the Lord-ship himself to share his opinion.

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