Chapter 27

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*Time skip one week to Christmas holidays*

I had finally finished packing my trunk and was ready to hall it down to the train, Pansy was packing her trunk across the room ready to head back to her family for Christmas. I never really got along with my family, my father was always out working and my mother usually spent her days doing nothing.

"Are you going to visit the manor this holiday?" Pansy asked from the bathroom were she was finishing up her makeup

"I'll try too, but we do have to hang out." I said making my way to the bathroom to give her one last hug before I left.

I pulled her in for a hug and wrapped my arms around her, I almost started crying she is my bestfriend after all.

"You better not be single when I see you again" I said making my way back to my trunk and heading to the door.

"No promises!" Pansy said waving me a final goodbye.

I walk out of the common room down to the great hall to find the Weasley clam, Harry was also coming to spend the holidays too. The twins stood towering over everyone per usual and Hermione was chatting with Ginny, she turned around and waved me over.

"Maya! I'm so glad your spending Christmas with me. I haven't been able to see you all week with OWL's, we are staying in Ginny's room." Hermione said with a big smile on her face.

"I have seen you this week I've been with Ginny in your dorm whilst you study, you really don't talk much studding." I said wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into a hug.

"Hey I exist too!" Ginny said coming over to join the hug "I'm going to have to deal with all summer long aren't I?"

"Yes you will!" I said laughing "You have to share a room with us too!"

"I think I'd rather share with Fred and George!" Ginny said grabbing the twins attention.

"I wouldn't want to share a room with them either they can't keep there hands off each-other" Fred said giving me the stink eye.

He had me there because I had my hand around Hermione's waist and she was holding my other hand.

"Hey! It's not my fault your touch deprived" Hermione said causing everyone to let out some shocked gasps at Hermione's new found attitude "Let's get on the train come on now!"

Everyone made there way down to the platform, Fred and George went off to another cabin to sit with Lee and a few others. Whist the rest of us found a carriage down towards the end of the train, it was slightly bigger than all the other which was great since there was five of us. 

I felt slightly bad for Ron at that moment, everyone was coupled up. I had Hermione and Ginny had Harry, he would find someone eventually it sure as hell took me long enough to find Hermione. 

"Maya? Are you good with loud noises." Ron asked me looking slightly nervous. 

"I mean my family home is particularly quite because well, don't worry about my family but I guess I am." I said laughing nervously. 

I hated talking about my family, it was never loving or anything like a home. Father was out doing business god knows what he was doing, and my mother she's quite ill and doesn't do much all day. 

"Well our house hold is extremely loud trust me, with everyone home that's six brothers. Harry, Hermione you and myself. Not to mention Fleur, and my parent's." Ginny said with a very serious face. 

"How do we all fit?" I asked with an amazed look on my face. 

"I mean we all fit every year and this year your the only add no, you can just sleep with me." Hermione said smiling looking up at me from my lap. 

"You two are horrible absolutely horrible,  can't you two not be in love for like two minutes!" Harry said putting his head in his hands. 

"How about, no!" I said then quickly pulling Hermione in for a kiss, but this wasn't going to be a peck. I pulled her in for a long passionate kiss, she sat up and wrapped her arm around my neck pulling me in closer. 

"Break it up break it up!" Ron practically yelled at us, he fake gagged which made everyone laugh. Ginny was having the time of her life laughing at the boys contorted faces, when I broke away from Hermione Ginny gave me a high five causing us girls to break out laughing again. 

When the trail pulled into the station George rounded us all up and pulled out a port key, alrighty everyone hold one. In a matter of seconds we were all falling out of the sky in front of an oddly shaped home. 

I could already hear the noise from outside, the house had so many different windows and coloured walls and windows, it was amazing. I'd grown up in a plain black home with marble and dark wood, it was all dark. 

As soon as I step foot in the Burrow I could feel the love, Mrs Weasley was at the door greeting all her children with a hug. Some of the older Weasleys in the lounge with Mr Weasley, the house was busy and filled to the brim with people. 

"Hermione! So nice to see you darling now, introduce me to your boyfriend!" Mrs. Weasley said bringing Hermione in for a hug. 

"I've actually bought alone a girlfriend!" Hermione said laughing nervously  

"Oh dear I'm so sorry to make the assumption, I'm very proud of you!" Mrs. Weasley said squeezing her tighter. 

"Oh and you must be Hermione's girlfriend! I feel like I know you from somewhere dear!" Mrs. Weasley said studding my face. 

"It's Maya Sutherland, thank you so much for letting me stay Mrs Weasley." I said with a bright smile painted across my face. 

"I was great friends with your mother darling! I hope she is doing better now, is she still sick? Oh and darling do call me Molly." Molly said pulling me in for a hug, this was different for my, my family was never big on touchy feely stuff. 

"C'mon Maya, I'll show you were we will be sleeping." Ginny said ushering me up the stairs.

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