Chapter 3

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I quickly scurried back to the common room going red in the face, we had another hour before my next classes and my friends would be arriving back here any minutes. I had 2 minutes to gain my composer and act like nothing ever happened!

"Blaise fuck off! I am not going to tell you who Maya likes if she tells me!" I heard Pansy yelled "Oh hey Maya, Blaise is being a bitch"

"No way, Blaise being a bitch! No..." I said in a sarcastic tone trying to fight back laughter.

"Right now, Maya, come on tell us who it is! We won't judge, well we will only try not to judge. Actually, we will most likely judge... But still!" Draco said trying to persuade me

"Maya you got to tell me! I'm Pansy your best friend!" she said trying to convince me.

I sat there trying to keep myself from bursting out crying or punching someone preferably Draco, not sure why just feel like I'd get the best reaction out of him. They just kept asking and asking and asking and asking, I was so close to cracking. I finally snapped out of my trance when Blaise suggested that we made guesses, I was fine with this they wouldn't even get close.

"Marcus Flint?"

"Theo Nott!"

The list went on and on and on, I was getting so sick of the guessing game. I was slowly falling back into my own little bubbly while I shock my head waiting for one of them to catch on, they just didn't get it. Then I snapped, no I didn't cry and no I didn't punch Draco. I said something that I regrated as soon as it left my mouth.

"Are you guys that fucking thick! She's a girl a mother fucking girl ok? Happy I cracked is this what you wanted assholes!" I yelled.

Oh, shit what the fuck did I just say, that no, no, no. I ran the first thing that came to mind I ran right up to my dorm then straight into the bathroom, locked the dorm and cried. That's all I could do I didn't know why or what I just did, I just was I don't even know why I was upset they didn't seem to hate me. It just felt like it, after about 3 hours I heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey May, It's Pansy can I come in?"

I slowly unlocked the door and let her in.

"You know I don't care, right? Your still My Maya and nothing's going to change. The boys don't care either they were actually discussing how hot it is which got them a good wack."

With that I realised that I cried over nothing, I didn't really feel like dinner. Shit I forgot I had to meet Hermione at the library.

"Hey May I'm heading to dinner with the boys you coming?"

"No, I'm fine don't worry about me I'm going to have a shower"

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