Chapter 9

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The day seamed so long for both of the girls, both very anxious for the afternoon, it was Friday this afternoon so they had free rain off the castle.

It was too risky to meet her in the Library since almost everyone would be up too something.

To the beautiful girl I meet in the Library,

Meet me on the 7th floor next to the old Charms room after dinner, don't worry about bringing anything.


I had sent her the letter the night before so she would get it that's morning at breakfast. I had decided I would set up a picnic on one of the old balconies next to the old charms room, not many people ventured up to the 7th floor.

That morning I sat anxiously watching the Gryffindor table for the post to arrive.

"So Maya what's so interesting over at the Griffin-dork table?" Asked Blaise.

"Nothing much Blaise, what's so interesting over in my direction that's got you looking?" I asked

Blaise went quite and told me to fuck off, before I could respond I saw Hermione with a letter I'm hand.

Hermione Grangers POV:

I sat quietly at the table trying not to look over at Maya, I was snapped out of my trance when I heard Harry.

"Look Mione, you've got mail today!" He said in a curious tone.

I was quite surprised, I didn't get mail too often and I didn't recognise the hand writing on the front of the letter.

"Go on open it Mione." Said Ron

Maya. Maya had sent the letter, I quickly read threw it trying not to smile. I quickly crumpled up the letter and hid it in my robe.

"Who's it from?" Asked Ginny with a massive smirk on her face.

"Oh nothing important." I said

Maya's POV:

The day had felt like it was taking forever, I had skipped dinner that night so I could set up a small picnic type thing for Hermione and I. I laid out a thick blanket and some pillows for Hermione and I too sit on, I also bought some small snacks.

Dinner would be around about finished by now, I anxiously waited for Hermione to arrive.

I finally heard soft footsteps coming from around the corner, I slowly sat up and walked over to her. I softly grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the balcony.

"Maya, this is beautiful. I came believe you did all this for me!"

"Anything for you Hermione, now come sit down"

I pulled on her arm lightly and sat down next to her, the sun was still shining bright but you could just see the moon on it's way.

Hermione and I talked for hours, about the boys. About how are closest female friends were definitely onto us, we talked about just everything.

By the time Hermione and I started running out of things to gossip about the sun was setting.

"We should probably get back soon, before the Prefects start doing their rounds." Hermione suggested.

"Only after this." I said

I was given a confused look, I pulled Hermione in for a kiss. I know we only kissed this morning but I missed it so much, she completed me. The kiss was so perfect, the sunset really set the mood.

Soon the soft kiss turned desperate, we had both obviously been wanting this for a while. Soon the thirst to bring this to the next level gave in, I started kissing her neck trying not to leave a mark.

Hermione's hands started to roam, soon they were coming up my waist. Then she started fumbling with my shirt, I did the same without breaking the kiss.

I felt my shirt fall off, and shortly after so was hers.

Hermione started massage my breasts, I let out a moan into her mouth causing her to moan.

Oh fuck, I could really feel it now. That burn, that desperation, the need to sort myself out down there.

I slowly started at Hermione's skirt pulling it down when I heard someone calling out Hermione's name...

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