Chapter 8

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Small Rant <3

Thank you so much for 300 reads! This chapter is a little longer than usual and I'm going to try update again tonight!

"Hermione, we can't just pretend this didn't happen we need to smooth things out, figure out what this is."

"Maya, we need to figure out what we are" Hermione passed to take a breath "I like you, and you obviously feel the same so we need to sort something out."

She was absolutely right, but we were two very different people. We were a world away.

"Can I take you on a date? Tonight, after curfew, I know it's risky but still."

"We just can't tell anyone yet; I mean know ones knows I- well I don't even know what I am. I mean you're a pureblood Slytherin friend with Draco Malfoy and I'm a muggle-born Gryffindor whose best friend is Harry Potter. The boys hate each other and they would hate this." Hermione said, soundly quite sad.

"We can't tell anyone; we can sneak around for a bit. Until we can smooth this out, but meet at your spot right after classes?"

"Ok I'll meet you at our spot"

Our spot, I couldn't help but feel a smile growing upon my face. I was almost sure I was turning red. I had waited a bit so we didn't enter the great hall at the same time, I had to be at least 15 minutes late to breakfast.

I only had fifteen minutes left to eat and avoid all possible questions of my where abouts.

"Maya! Where the hell have you been, we have all been worried sick." Said Pansy

"Yeah, especially after last nights stunt." Blaise added 

Draco was giving me a very funny look; I couldn't tell why. He looked me up and down, then he started to laugh.

"Draco what?" I asked "Why are you giving me that look"

"You two are that thick, aren't you?"

Blaise and Pansy threw him a confused look.

"Right since none of you can work it out, I'll do the math. Exhibit A. She looks like she has been sweating"

"Get to the point mate!" Blaise said in grumpy huff.

"Exhibit B." he continued "Her hair is a tad bit out of place, and we all know that perfect miss Maya has her hair done perfectly. Now for my 3rd and final point, Exhibit C. She has just a little bit of very light pink lipstick in the corner of her mouth." Draco finished.

"Holy shit" said Pansy.

"Well, I'll be damned" said Blaise

"Fuck off you guys, it's not what it looks like" I said trying to stay cool.

Hermione's POV: 

I quickly made my way to the great hall to eat, Maya offered to go after me so no one got suspicious.

"Hey Mione, are you ok? You're never late." Asked Harry.

"Yeah, and you look like you just ran a marathon." Ron said jokingly

I mean he wasn't wrong. I was in the same condition as Maya.

I could hear Ginny let out a giggle.

"What is it Ginny?" asked a very confused Ron

"Oh, nothing I just figured something out" said Ginny 

Surely, she hadn't figured it out, I mean I know she is very smart. She also always figures everything out, dammit she knows.

"You going to get Mione?" asked Ron.

"No, I'm fine, I need to get something from the common room." I spoke

"I'll come with you, see you at lunch boys." Ginny said whilst getting up to follow me.

"SO, Mione. Who are you snogging, and why don't I know who they are?"

"What are you talking about Gin!"

"Oh, come on! You can't fool me. Omg and it's a girl, that isn't your lipstick shade."

"What how, how? How did you figure that out?" 

"Well 1, you were late to something. Plus, you came in sweaty and flustered, extremely red and there is red lipstick on your lips and I know that you only wear a baby pink shade."

"Why do you have to know me so well!"

I was so mad, but yet I was quite impressed. 

"You can't tell anyone yet; I'm still figuring things out." I asked

"Well, who is it then!" Ginny said slightly raising her voice

"I can't say sorry Gin!"

Smut coming next chapter <3

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