Chapter 20

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Third Person POV: 

Ginny over to the balcony to see the two girls crying and hugging each other. She didn't want to interrupt them so she ushered everyone away, but even though she tried everyone went to have a small peak at them without interrupting. 

"I think we should all wait in the Gryffindor Common Room for them to come back I'm sure that Maya will walk Hermione back or Maya will stay the night with Hermione." Ginny said. 

Everyone made there way to the Gryffindor Common Room to get comfy. 

  "This feels wrong" Blaise and Theo said at the same whilst getting comfy. 

Everyone sat down making small talk waiting for the girls to come back 

Maya's POV: 

"Hey Mione I think we should head back you feel cold" I said "Your practically shivering" 

"No I'm fine I don't want to leave you" Hermione said. 

"Shh, It's ok. Don't worry I won't go." I said 

I pulled her off my lap and grabbed her hand and pulled her off. 

"Do you want a piggy back?" I asked giggling

"Obviously" She replied  

I carried her down the call and towards the common room, promising I'd stay the night. We made our way to painting and I put Hermione down, we had planned on sneaking in hoping that no one would be awake. 

Boy was I wrong. The whole gang was sitting on the couch, fuck. 

"Waiting for someone?" I said 

No one said anything. 

"Just trying to defuse the tension jeez." I said quite sarcastically. 

Literally everyone was quite, no one said a thing. Hermione stood behind me with her hand in mine, most likely trying to hide. I really couldn't her, I would do the same if I was her. 

"Well so." Pansy said "We all talked I guess" 

"Yeah she handled the Slytherin's and I had the Gryffindor's, we all are ok with this" Ginny said 

"yep" said a lot of people at different times. 

Hermione was still dead quiet and hiding behind me. 

"Mione we can all see you" Ron said.

"Yeah I noticed" Hermione said 

I love being taller than Hermione it's great expect for when she uses me as a human shield, and she's the Gryffindor. 

We both sat down on the floor in front of the fire Hermione still clinging to me.

"You alright Mione?" Harry asked  

"yep I'm fine." she said 

"Blaise." I said 

"Maya" he responded 

"Do you have any weed? I heard two certain gingers were a little bit jealous." I said giving the twins a sly look. 

"Us? No." The twins said at the same time. 

"Yeah, I've got some" Blaise said whilst passing the bag around and people rolling there cigarettes. 

After about half an hour Hermione was the biggest Gryffindor I've ever met. 

"Ginny!" Ron yelled 

"WHAT?" she yelled back louder 

Thank god for silencing spells. 

"You never told us how you found out about Maya and Mione!" Ron said 

"OK, OK EVERYONE LISTEN TO ME SOMEONE HOLD MAYA DOWN SHE'S GONNA KILL ME" Ginny  yelled to everyone grabbing there attention. 

"So that morning that Hermione was 'sick' she had Maya over that night and they had forgotten to wake-up early to sneak her out." 

"Omg I knew she wasn't sick!" Ron said 

 "Then Hermione came to me and told me she needed the cloak and me being me said I need to know why, so she bought me into her dorm. I mean poor Maya was in a bra in her bed, so that was cool." Ginny said 

Everyone broke out laughing and Hermione was going red as an apple. 

"In my defence! I do have nice tits, so Ginny your welcome!"  

"I can vouch!" Hermione yelled 

That made everyone laugh again. Everyone talked about random things like school  people and mostly weed.

We all had the same classes in the morning but since we all had astronomy we didn't have a class until 11 the next morning.  

Everyone decided to sleep in Hermione's dorm since no one else shared it and it was way bigger than all the other dorms. 

 Hermione Transfigured a few mattresses for everyone to sleep on, Ginny and Pansy shared one. Blaise, Draco and Theo shared the biggest one and Harry and Ron shared another one. Fred and 

George decided they wanted to sleep in there own room, couldn't blame them if I was on the floor I wouldn't want to share. But I was with Hermione so no complaints from me. 

"I need to get something from the common room, I'll be back in a second." Hermione said 

"Oh I'll come with you." I said following her out of the common room. 

"I bet they are going to shag" I heard Blaise say.. 

"Yeah same here" Harry said.

(Smut next chapter! So far the books word count is at 13,469)

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