Chapter 31

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The rest of Christmas day was filled with the smell of Christmas cookies and roast chicken, people laughing and Christmas joy. The day was perfect, everything was perfect. 

I wished I could stay in that say forever in the tranquillity and love, something I lacked so much off at home and in my childhood. 

The whole family and co sat in the living room enjoying each other's presence chatting away and laughing, we were all enjoying a bit of acholic butter beer. 

"I'm getting a bit stuffy in here I'm going to go sit outside for a bit and cool down" Hermione said looking a bit red in the face, it was a slight bit stuffy. 

"I'll come with you" I said grabbing her hand pulling her up off the floor, we both walked out into the front yard and took a seat under one of the tree's. 

"I have something for you" Hermione said with a shy smile on her face handing me a small box with an envelope attached, it was a very beautiful deep green coloured box with a black ribbon attached. 

I opened the envelope first, in the envelope a beautiful hand written letter sat. 

'To the person whom I love the most,  

You are one of the best things that have ever happened to me, I used to watch you across the potion's classroom hoping you'd look back at me. I never thought I could have, you have shown me nothing but love and kindness. Your hand fits perfectly in mine as does mine in yours, I hope you know that I love you more than anyone else. 

Love, Hermione.' 

I started to tier up, it was one of the most beautiful things I had ever read. I looked over to see Hermione sitting there anxiously studding my facial expressions, she had left me speechless. 

I didn't know what to do other than place my lips against her, I cupped her face with both my hands and kissed her. Long, soft and slowly. 

"I love you" I whispered in her ear. "Here open this and I'll open yours." 

I handed her a small pouch with a white ribbon around it, she placed the box in my hand. 

I opened the little box to find a small heart shaped locket, it was a beautiful silver necklace. I opened up the locket to find 'forever'  written on the inside, it's perfect.  

I saw Hermione open the small golden pouch I had given her, she pulled out a ring with small ruby attached to it. 

"Maya! It's beautiful I really do love it but wasn't that expensive?" Hermione asked with a slightly guilty look on her face, pushing the ring onto her finger. 

"Only the best for you." I said pulling her back in for a kiss.  

"Let's go see the other's come on" I said only to be stopped. 

"Can you carry me" Hermione said giving me puppy eye's.

"Fine, come on then" 

We all spent the rest of the evening talking and having fun together, after a while everyone agreed they would start to get ready for bed. 

I saw Hermione go off with Ron not thinking much of it and getting ready for bed per usual. When I saw getting changed I heard someone knock on my door, I headed to the door to find Harry. 

"Hey Harry, Ginny isn't here" I said fixing up my sweater. 

"Oh, I was actually looking for Ron. Have you seen him?" Harry asked looking a bit confused. 

"Nope sorry, last time I saw him he was hanging out with Hermione. Want a hand looking?" I asked already walking out the door. 

Harry and I made our way down to the kitchen only to find Mrs Weasley, Bill, Fleur and the twins having a cup of tea. 

Harry and I climbed the stairs knocking on all the doors until we made our way up to one of the sitting rooms, there sat Ron and Hermione. 

With Ron's lips on hers. 


In that exact moment the world around me froze, nothing. I felt nothing everything around me dissolved, just a black void that I had fallen into. Like my whole world had just left, my eyes started to water and a singular tear rolled down my cheek. It was cold and salty, it was useless and weak.  

The whole world snapped back into perspective and I saw Hermione push Ron off her, she started to say something when she snapped her head over to me. Her face dropped all the colour draining from her face, I didn't care. 

"Shit" Harry muttered under his breathe looking at his two best friends in shock. 

Ron sat there with a smug expression on his face, looking me dead in the eyes feeding off my pain. I'd kill him if I was given the chance, but I couldn't move. 

"Maya, pleas let me explain" Hermione said her eyes already over flowing with tears, her hand's started to shake and she got up towards me. 

"Stay away from me" I said stumbling back, my hands violently shaking as I clutched my sides. 

"Maya, please." She said her eyes wide still over flowing. 

"No, you've done enough. I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that letter about me, because you said forever now I'll cry alone in my sleep." With that I raced down the stairs, I could hear Hermione yelling after me. 

Please stay she yelled, let me explain. I'll do anything. But she didn't mean that, I just kept running down the stairs. The stairs felt like they were lasting forever, just going and going and going. The endless loop. 

How could she, why did she do that. She was still yelling after me, I could hear Ron and Harry following us down the stairs. 

I was at least three flights ahead of everyone, still running. 

I ran down the last flight of stairs stumbling into the kitchen, I couldn't help it anymore I was hyperventilating. My eye's flooded with tears and my checks stained, almost everyone was in the kitchen I froze. 

Hermione came stumbling behind me down the stairs into the kitchen. "Maya please!" She shrieked falling to the ground. 

"I'm leaving how could you!" I yelled pulling the locket from around my neck and throwing it to her on the floor. "Guess you didn't mean forever did you." 

With that I ran into the flu, leaving a shocked and equally confused Weasley Family.

I stood in the fire place flu-powder in hand. 

"You know Granger I would call you a Mudblood, but I really loved you so I don't think I can. MALFOY MANOR." I yelled throwing the flu-powder.


I'm sorry I'm literally sobbing my eye's out right now listening to drivers license, I've really thrown a curve ball in the story. 

I love you all besties! -Amelia.

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