Chapter 15

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Ginny Weasleys POV:

"We have to wake them up so Mione and I can sneak out" I said

"Mh this is going to be hilarious, Maya will turn red as your common room" Pansy said

Maya's POV:

"mione" I mumbled "wake up, you got to get out of bed and dressed before the others see"

"not yet I'm warm" Hermione mumbled into my chest

"Too late!" Pansy practically screamed

"Shit" I automatically shot up not noticing I was still naked. I clapped my hands over my tits and Hermione pulled her head under the covers.

"Hey Maya you've got a little something there" Ginny pointed to her jaw, then her neck then her upper chest.

"Looks like Golden Girls got the something there too!" Pansy said

"Can I have my shirt my bra and undies please Ginny" Hermione said trying to hide the embarrassment in her voice. "Get Maya's too"

Hermione and I stumbled out of bed whilst Ginny and Pansy laughed at us.

We all got ready to sneak Ginny and Hermione out.

Before we got to the door we heard someone say 'Alohamora'

Hermione ducked and hid under my bed whilst Ginny had enough time to make it to the bathroom. 

Blaise, Draco and Theo barged into the room and sat down on the couch.

"Right so last night we came up to your dorm like we do every Wednesday to drink and talk shit about the other houses!" Draco said

"But when we came to your dorm the door was locked and a silencing spell had obviously been casted" Blaise added

"And it smell an awful lot like weed in here, so you guys are up to something." Theo said

"Most likely Maya started this" Draco said

"Oi! Why me?" I asked

"Because you are literally covered head to toe in hickeys" Blaise said

Fuck why didn't my glamour work! Oh why did I have to be turning red.

"Oh she's really red now!" Theo said

"So Pansy got anything to say!" Draco asked?

"Nothing at all Draco let Maya do all the talking" Pansy said

"Boys? Have we seen anyone leave the dorm yet?" Blaise said

"You know what Blaise! I have not" Draco said

"So maybe someone's hiding in here!" Theo said "Is the bathroom locked?"

Thank god Ginny had her wand she had locked the dorm and charmed it so no one could get in.

"So someone is in there?" Draco said

"Nope I got my period and all my bloody clothes are in there" Pansy said.

Thank god she was a fast thinker.

"Yeah I don't want to see that" Theo said looking slightly scared

"Woah, look at this" Draco said holding up a red tie "Hm Gryffindor, someone left a tie." 

Hermione's POV:

I layer under the bed quietly as possible trying not to make any noises or draw attention to myself. I listen in on the conversation, thank god Ginny had charmed the door.

I thought everything would be ok until I heard someone mention a tie, I looked down to see that I no longer had a tie on. I hadn't finished putting it on when the boys barged in.

Maya's POV:

"Well I guess I'll keep this and see which Gryffindor girl doesn't have a tie on and is covered in hickeys!" Draco said making his way out of the dorm tie in hand.

The other followed him out.

"You guys can come out now" Pansy said

"Maya I'm so sorry the tie slipped off and I didn't notice and I covered you in hickeys now they are all going to know and-" 

I abruptly cut Hermione off by placing my lips on hers stopping her nervous rambling. I pulled away and held her face.

"Mione it's ok, I'll get one of my ties and you can transfigure it" I said "and it's not your fault I did the same to you."

"Alright pack it up love birds Mione we have to get bad before Ron and Harry have a tante."

Ginny and Hermione managed to sneak out of the common room successfully.

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