Chapter 30

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All the youngest Weasley's and co sat around a small camp fire outside, the last few days at the Burrow has been a blast playing in the fields and cooking with Mrs. Weasley.

It was Christmas Eve and we were all enjoying at night around the fire, the adults expect the twins had left to go inside and retire for the night. We were all happily chatting away, I was sitting with Hermione next to the fire playing with her curls.

"I'm getting bored listening to the boys talk about there skills and all the shite, so let's play a game." Ginny said grabbing everyone's attention, I for sure was down to play.

"You know in the Slytherin common we used to steal vertisiruim from Snape's office, take a shot of it and play truth or dare completely sober. No fire whiskey, no weed not thing completely sober." I said, that really grabbed everyone's attention, the twins had very mischievous looks in there eyes. "Everyone remembered everything and people got closer, or ended up shagging."

"I'm way in, like seriously this sounds epic. I might need to know who about the Slytherin common room after, but does anyone have vertisiruim?" Harry asked.

"I do, I think I have like a whole vile in my room." George said with a big smirk on his face. "I'll run up and grab it" with that he took off inside running up to his room.

"So we will all pass the vile around and put a drop on our tongues and take turns asking people questions, there is one rule and one rule only." I was cut off by George running back towards the group holding the vile in hand. "Nice one Georgie your off my hit list, wait never mind that was Fred I think, ok so the one rule is whatever is said here stays here got it?"

Everyone agreed and started passing the vile around the group, everyone placed a drop on there tongues and got ready to be humiliated. 

"Ok who's asking the first question?" I said looking at everyone around the fire, I noticed that Hermione looked very nervous I knew she liked her privacy.

"I've always wanted to know what Slytherin parties are like, so what do you guys even do?"
Ron asked, everyone seemed very interested in this.

"There is a lot of stripping, we had people conjure up stripper polls. In sixth year Pansy Parkinson and I put on a show for everyone in our bra and under wear on Halloween" I said trying to stop myself but I couldn't.

Everyone burst our laughing, I couldn't help myself I joined in.

"I wish I could have seen that" Hermione said before she could think, I mean she had no filter. She clapped both her hands over her mouth and turned so red, everyone was hysterical.

"Hermione when was the last time you and Maya went at it?" Fred asked.

"This morning, in the shower!" Hermione went right back to red again, it was hilarious.

"Why are you guys only asking questions about us?" I asked giving everyone a death look.

"Because you two don't kiss and tell!" Ginny practically yelled "Ok who's top and who's bottom, I need to know I made a bet with Fred and George."

"Me obviously" I said with much confidence "Sorry darling, I really do love you"

"Wow love" Ron said mildly shocked.

Everyone continued to play and embarrass themselves for a few more hours until everyone decided they wanted to go asleep, it was Christmas tomorrow morning. 

We all quietly made our way up to bed trying not to awake Mrs. and Mr. Weasley, we were probably up a little bit too late but all was fine. 

Everyone was off to their rooms wishing each other a Merry Christmas, I hoped in bed with Hermione and cuddled in. 

"Night Ginny" Hermione said sounding like she was already sleep. 

"Night Hermione, Night Maya. Oh and keep the touchy feely to a minimum I'm here" Ginny said with a big smile on her face almost laughing. 

I gave Hermione a kiss on the check and headed off into dream land. 

I awoke to the sound sound of banging, what the hell is that. 

"EVERYONE UP! MUMS MADE BREAKFAST UP YOU SLEEPY LITTLE GITS" Fred yelled with a pot and pan in hand clanging them together. 

The twins made our way to our room, for some reason the noise stopped outside our door. 

"I'm not going in there, girls are scary." Fred said "Georgie and I got a bit of trauma" 

George nodded "Harry your girlfriend's in there you can wake them up" 

Ron had already made his way to the kitchen, we could hear the arguing outside the door. 

"Wake-up come on, time to scare the boys" I said pulling Hermione our of bed. 

I quietly walked over to Ginny and shook her awake "Shh, just follow my lead." 

"Girls, we have to talk about what happened last night" I said pulling them near the door, they noticed all the boys feet under the door. "We killed someone last night what the hell are we supposed to do with the body" 

"Maya! You do realise the body is RIGHT THERE on the floor!" Hermione said so the boys would hear her. 

"Hermione Shh! Seriously someone might hear!" Ginny said shushing us all. 

The door flung open and all the boy's jaws were on the floor, then when they saw us all laughing they let out an annoyed groan and accepted defeat. 

We all headed downstairs to the table, Mrs. Weasley had made an amazing breakfast and everyone had a present with there name on the table. 

I took my seat next to Hermione and George, everyone unwrapped there present to find a green sweater with a big M on it. 

Everyone had a different colour with a different a letter on it, it was amazing I had a massive smile painted across my face. 

"What do you think dear?" Mrs. Weasley asked 

"It's wonderful, it really is."  

I really missed family Christmas's I haven't had one since I was a little girl, my father was home. Mother wasn't sick, the world was perfect. But this I could get used too, I don't care that the sweater didn't cost much. I love it because it's made with love, that's all I need.   

A/N I need you to read it please.

Most of the aspects in this story are based off my real life, I'm using them in the story as I way to vent and feel closer to the character, Maya I've created.

Maya is based off myself with family, sexuality and some other things that will come into the story. Thank you to all my readers, I really appreciate it.

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