Chapter 29

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The sun slowly started to peak threw the window's, I could hear Ginny start to get out of bed and head down stairs. I tried as hard as possible to get out of bed without waking Hermione, but we slept in a single bed so it was quite hard.

"Good morning Maya, where are you off too?" Hermione mumbled into the pillow pulling me back in bed.

"I'm going to have a shower before everyone wakes up" I said trying to pry Hermione off me. "Care to join me?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" Hermione said throwing the blanket of the bed and practically running to the door.

"Worse than me honestly" I muttered under my breath grabbing some clothes for both of us and heading to the bathroom.

I made my way down to the bathroom to see Hermione waiting outside the door, someone was using the bathroom. That was a little bit embarrassing, I just hoped it wasn't an adult.

I was the door open and Ginny walked out.

"Morning Ginny" Hermione said "Oh, and good morning Harry!"

"Great minds think alike am I right!" Ginny said to me giving me a high five on the out.

"Very much so!" I said pulling Hermione into the bathroom.

I was barely in the door before Hermione smashed her lips against mine, we hadn't had any time at all alone since last week.

I quickly grabbed my wand cast a silencing charm and looked the door, Hermione re-connected our lips as we started to strip down.

"I- need to mh turn the wa- mh on" I tried to say in between kisses, I quickly turned the water on moving my hands around her body at lighting rates.

I brought my lips down her jaw kissing down towards her neck, making sure to avoid making marks this high up.

I slowly started kissing and sucking on her breasts leaving marks a plenty, Hermione started to run her hands around my body pushing and lightly tickling all the right spots.

I looked around to find something different to use than my fingers today, I found a hair brush.

"Hermione? Is this your brush?" I asked pushing her up against the shower wall.

"It's mine, but why?" Hermione asked in between kisses.

"Perfect" I started to attack her lips with mine again keeping her pined against the wall, we only had a few more minutes before it was considered hogging the bathroom.

I brought the brush down to her clit slowly rubbing the end against it, she let out a moan and bucked her hips towards me.

Slowly I pushed the brush's end into her wet entrance, causing her to let out a string of soppy moans.

I had pushed it in all the way leaving her time to adjust to the size, she bought her hand to my clit and started rubbing circles around it.

Slowly moving the brush in and out of her at a fater pace now whilst she rubbed my clit, I could see her legs started to shakke and her face contorting.

We had both came at the same time smashing our lips together.

"I love you so much" She mumbled into my mouth.

"I love you so much too, but at this rate I think you might have trouble walking" I said holding her up, I don't think she realised that she had put her entire body weight on me.

I picked her up and carried her out of the shower and sitting her down next to the sink, I cast a drying charm on her and dressed us both.

I stood in front of her with a proud smirk on my face I managed to put a green Slytherin crew neck on her, she looks good in green.

"What are you looking at?" Hermione asked with a coy smile on her face "Is it because my legs are shaking?"

"No don't worry" I said throwing her a wink "Did I hurt you?"

"No you didn't don't worry, just a bit sore but that's normal" Hermione said giving me a sympathetic smile, juping down from the sink.

Her legs were a tad bit shaky and unstable but she was fine other wise.

"Let's go have a cup of tea." I grabbed her hand and walk out of the bathroom undoing the charms, I was surprised when I saw no one in the kitchen. 

Harry and Ginny must have gone back to bed, it must have been so early but the sun was up. Maybe we just over slept?

"Darling what time is it?" I said with a confused look on my face.

"Jeez it's only seven forty! What had you up so early on a Sunday morning!" Hermione said almost laughing making her way over to the kitchen.

"Just a bit eggar!" I said giggling, I conjured is both a cup of tea and led her back into the lounge room to get comfy. I lit the fire with a flick of my wand and conjured a blanket, I sat down with Hermione on the couch as we drank our tea in perfect Harmony.

"You know it's almost Christmas!" Hermione said with a big smile upon her lips, placing her cup down and snuggling into my lap.

I quickly finished the last of my tea placing it down on the floor next to Hermione's, I pulled the blanket over us and pulled her closer.

"I love you, I wish we could be like this forever" I said to Hermione looking down at her.

"Forever?" She asked

"Forever" That's all I wanted. I fluttered my eyes shut and relaxed, the feeling of Hermione in my arms was all I needed to drift off to sleep.

She was so beautiful, I could look at her for hours. I'd get lost in her beautiful eyes, here deep coffee coloured eyes.

"Aren't they just precious" Ginny said looking down at the two of us on the couch.

I had woken up about five minutes ago but decided to stay like this whilst Hermione still slept, now I was even more tempted to listen to the conversation.

"I just wish they would stay away from each other for a little bit, I need to talk to Hermione but I can't get her alone." I heard Ron say he sounded slightly pissed of but he could deal with his own shit.

"You two enjoying the show" I heard Fred and George say at the same time, those two really did share a mind didn't they.

"All of you should leave them alone" I heard Mrs.Weasley say "They look just two cute to wake up, so don't I'll start making food. Chop Chop."

I felt Hermione start to move a little bit, I opened my eyes to look down at her. She was still asleep but she would be up any second. Right on cue she opened her eyes, without saying anything she gave me a kiss.

I long deep kiss, I wonder what bought this on my it did matter I loved it.

"Quit snogging and come eat!" Harry yelled from the table causing everyone in the kitchen to start laughing and us too yo go red.

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