Chapter 28

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"Herr you guys go! I'll leave you guys to unpack, you both know the silencing spells!" Ginny said giving us a wink on the way out. "Oh you guys have the slightly bigger bed" 

"Thanks Ginny!" I yelled out the door so she could hopefully hear. 

"Maya? Why didn't you tell me your mother is sick?" Hermione asked her brown eyes staring into mine with sadness. 

"I just didn't think it's was relevant, that's all" I said not really knowing what else to day, I haven't talk to anyone about my mother except Draco and that was a very rough conversation.  

"I mean I'm your girlfriend, I don't understand why you wouldn't tell me." Hermione said with a hurt look on her face. "It's just, it seems important." 

"Look Hermione I'm sorry but my family is different, it's a lot to unpack I didn't want to be a burden." I could feel the tears coming, I didn't want to break down in front of her.

"Love your not a burden, you can tell me." Hermione said pulling me into a hug.  

"My mother has b-been sick, since-" I couldn't hold them back anymore I could feel the tears coming, all I could think about was not crying but it was too late. 

I completely broke down, I hated crying in front of people I have only ever cried in front of two people. Draco and now Hermione, I had only ever cried in front of someone before this when I first found out my mother was sick in third year.  

I managed to collect myself and tell Hermione what had happened.

"I had opened a letter from my father whilst studding with Draco in his dorm during my third year, I had read over this one sentence over and over again. 

'Maya, your mother is sick. The likely-hood of her becoming better is very slim, I'm sorry but I can not come home from work' 

I didn't hear from my father that often after the letter, he struggled to cope so he buried himself in work. My mother spent most of her time locked in her room, she didn't want me to see her getting sicker and sicker every day. 

Your the closest thing I have to family right now, I just didn't want to be a burden." 

"Your not a burden Maya, I would never-" 

I had cut her off before she could finish  

"I love you" 

The world seemed to stop at that moment, had I really just said that? I meant it all three of those words I meant, it seemed like such an easy thing but it wasn't.

I didn't care if she didn't love me, but I loved her and that's all that matters.

"I love you too" 

At that moment I felt I could truly be happy, if I could pause time and stay in this moment forever I would. 

I bought my face up to Hermione's, her eyes started filling with tears I placed my fore-head against hers and looked deep into her eye's. 

She softly bought her lips to mine, this was different to any other time we had kissed. It was perfect, she completed me. 

"Oi, thought I'd tell you dinners ready before you got to frisky." George said standing in the door way. "You can't ignore me forever! You'll find I can get quite annoying." 

"Asshole" I muttered under my breath pulling Hermione up and walking over to the door. 

"I'll get you for that Weasley just you wait, I hope look good in purple because you might have two purple eyes." I said in a hushed tone. 

We all made our way down the stairs towards the dinning room table, it was almost filled to the brim with food and people. 

"Next time I'm not going up there to get them, I'm not of fan of being abused" George said with a huff as he sat down next to Fred. 

"Now now Georgie boy, that's a big over exaggeration! He's just scared of me" I said causing everyone to laugh. 

"Now Maya Darling, do tell me about yourself." Mrs. Weasley said with a grand old smile on his face. 

"Well there isn't much to me, I'm an only child a Slytherin and I'm about as gay as it comes!" I said with a big smile painted my face slightly laughing at my own self description.  

Everyone burst out laughing at that last little detail.

"Really I didn't notice!" Hermione said "Fancy anybody?" 

Everyone had started laughing again. 

"You know those two girls can't keep there hand off each other" Harry said almost rolling his eyes.  

"We have to beg them to stay away from each-other" Ron said throwing a look over at my direction. 

Everyone chatted away and ate there meals, once dinner was over everyone helped out with the dishes and got cosy in the living room, Hermione had suggested we watched a muggle movie. 

I'd never seen or heard of a 'movie' but, Mr. Weasley jumped with joy when he found out it was a muggle thing. 

Hermione had set up a TV set and started playing a movie called Oceans 8, it was quite interesting. It was slightly hard to concentrate on the movie because Hermione was almost asleep in my lap. 

The movie had finished and every had started to head up to bed, Hermione was still asleep in my lap.

It was just Hermione, Fred, George and I left. 

"Your whipped mate." Fred told me 

"I am not whipped mate, I'm in love. Thank you very much" I correct Fred. 

"Whipped as hell" George said as the boys made there way up the stairs to head to bed. 

I lightly shock Hermione trying to wake her up without startling her, she slowly looked up at me. 

"Good morning, where are we?" Hermione asked rubbing her eyes. 

"It's only ten thirty, you fell asleep. You missed out on getting teased!" I said laughing as I pushed some hair out of her face. "Come on babe up to bed with you, you look very sleepy"   

"Alright" Hermione mumbled heading up to our room. 

Ginny was already fast asleep when Hermione and I stumbled into the little single bed, it was a tight fit but I enjoy being cuddle up with Hermione. 

She lay her head on my chest using it as a pillow, I love staying here.

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