Chapter 12

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Pansy's POV:

Maya hasn't come home yet, it's about 11:30 and curfew was about an hour ago. I knew she was doing something, well probably doing someone.

I knew it was a girl, and definitely not a Slytherin. The chances of her sleeping with a Hufflepuff are about high as Maya gets, and she's doesn't smoke.

So she was either sleeping with a Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, but Slytherins are known for hooking up with Ravenclaws. So she was sleeping with a Gryffindor, no wonder she was being to secretive!

I had come up with a Plan, she knew that on Saturdays I slept in Astoria's room. So she could be bringing someone back to the dorm, so I'd wait.

I quickly ran up the the boys dormitory.

I banged on the boys door again.

"Pansy again?" Blaise said standing in the door.

"It's an emergency!" I yelled "Now let me in! Hey Draco, oh and Theo?"

"Pansy, good to see you again!" Theo said

"Pansy can you go one night, just one without annoying me!" Draco yelled.

He was obviously trying to get to sleep.

"Ok so, as well all know. Maya has been doing something well doing someone, and Maya knows that I usually spend the night with Astoria."

I continued

"Maybe she will bring them back to them back to the dorm, and we can all camp out there and see who it is." I suggested.

"You I think Pansy is into something." Blaise said

"Yeah it's pretty dam smart" Draco agreed

"Well I'm here and I'm all in for Drama sooo" Theo said

"Everyone get your shit we are going to my dorm" I said

We all made our way to my dorm and set up camp, I was sitting on my bed with Theo and Blaise and Draco made themselves comfy in Maya's bed.

We had all practically stayed up all night, everyone fell asleep when Maya did come back at 4.

Maya's POV:


Pansy, Blaise, Draco and Theo all sitting in my dorm. It was about. 10:30, had they all spent the night in my dorm?

"Well, Well, Well. Where have you been?" Asked Blaise in the cockiest tone I have ever heard.

Before I could get out the door I felt Draco grab my arm and pull me down onto the chair in the middle of the room.

"Is this an interesting trap hey?" I said

"Ok let's revise the facts! Maya is definitely sleeping with someone secretly, and they are most likely a Gryffindor. Most likely a girl too, and we are assuming she is not a pure blood?" Draco said.

I sat there unable to get words out they were all spot on the money.

"Well due to the lack of snappy witty come backs, we are all right?" Asked Blaise.

"Oh we are definitely right." Pansy said laughing.

"My god" was all Theo could say.

"Ok so maybe your right, but don't think I'm telling you who!" I said

"Holy shit" Draco said "I was so right!"

"Come on Maya just tell us who! We won't judge you" Pansy said.

"Oh but you will!" I said "Boys out now, I need to have a shower and fix my hair chop chop!"

The boys all filled out of the Dorm letting out some annoyed groans and trying to speculate who it is.

"I mean come on you have to tell me! I promise I won't tell anyone I swear" Pansy pleaded.

"Ok look fine, I'll tell you but come into the bathroom I bet the boys are listening at the door"

Pansy followed me into the bathroom, I turned on the shower.

"Damm this really is a secret isn't it" Pansy said

"I swear to god if you tell anyone, and I mean anyone. Then I will kill you ok"

"Maya, I get it"

"granger" I mumbled

"Granger like Hermione Granger? Like Golden girl?! Holy shit" Pansy jaw dropped she looked like she saw a ghost.

"Fuck I knew you would hate me I-"

"You got golden girl, holy fuck so many people have been trying to date her especially in Slytherin."

Pansy got up and high-fives me.


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