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"Go see who's at the door honey" Josie Griffith yelled all the way from the kitchen to the living room, urging Alexa to check who was at the door knocking.

"Yes?" Alexa said with a frown as she opened the door.
"oh, hi" she greeted as her mood lightened up instantly on seeing who it was. June had set off early that morning to patch things up with Dominic.

"Hi Alexa." June greeted back.
"is everything alright?" June asked as she scanned the puzzled look on Alexa's face.

"Yeah sure, I'm just wondering why you're out here at this time. It's just few minutes past eight a.m" Alexa said.
"It's not everyday we get to see June at our doorstep this early." She added.

"Actually, I'm here to see Dominic. We kinda had a misunderstanding last night and he won't speak to me ever since." June said and sighed.

"I'm sorry. Come in, he's in his room." Alexa said and ushered June into the Griffith's home.

"May i go in to check on him?" June asked.

"Yeah sure." Alexa said with a smile.

"Who's it sweetheart?" Josie yelled from the kitchen.

"Mom, it's June Sinclair." Alexa yelled back. Shortly Josie ran out of the kitchen to meet with June.

"Hi Mrs Griffith." June greeted. Josie Griffith was a petit woman with red hair.

"Welcome to our home June. Pleased to finally meet you." Josie said all smiles.

"The pleasure is all mine ma'am." June responded with a forced smile. She wasn't really in the mood to exchange so much pleasantries, patching things up with Dominic was all she wanted.

"I baked some cookies, would you want some?" Josie asked.

"No, I'm full. Thank you." June declined politely.

"Mom, June needs to see Dominic now. They have a trip ahead." Alexa said.

"Oh, I'm sorry if i kept you waiting." Josie apologized.

"Not at all. Excuse me." June said and head to Dominic's room. Just as she left, Josie shot a glance at Alexa who shrugged in response.

June knocked softly on Dominic's door..

"Come in." Dominic answered as June pushed the door open slowly, she walked into the small cozy room and looked around.

"June what are you doing here?" Dominic asked out of curiosity. He had mixed feelings about June's appearance, he couldn't tell if it's the artenae using June's physical form or it's actually June herself. One thing he did know was to be careful and never let his guard down.

"You're packing?" June asked on noticing Dominic arranging a few clothes into a travel bag.

"Yes. We're supposed to leave today, right?" He said.

"Yeah, sure. I just thought after what happened last night, you'll probably change your mind." June said as Dominic turned to her and raised a brow without saying a word. He then turned back to the bag and kept arranging the clothes.

"Dom, I came to apologize about last night. I knew i messed up so bad, I'm sorry."

"You know what June?" Dom said and zipped up the bag.


"I'm not mad you went out with your boyfriend, definitely not. What got me mad was the fact you promised Rose and I you'll be coming over to lunch and suddenly Alex shows up from nowhere and you immediately forgot we exist." Dominic said and sat on the bed as June paced up and down the room, hands in her jacket pockets.

JUNE - And the AeternaeWhere stories live. Discover now