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The wind howled, piling up snow in drifts, blinding the evening with ice-white dust. Dominic stood at the Grenville private cemetery's gate, dressed up in his winter outfit, a grey coat, black Jean pants and a black winter scarf around his neck. 

Dominic scanned himself, completely clueless on how he arrived at the place. He moved closer to read an inscribed wordings on a wall, he brushed off the ice white dust covering the words.

"EST. 1940" The inscribed word on the wall read. He shot a glance at the gate and noticed it was open, he crept carefully and slid past the partially opened gate. He walked bend over against the cold, protecting his eyes with his arms as as the cold gust of wind smacked his face.

Dominic had gotten past the gate, all that stood in front of his view were graveyards and brown denuded trees to his left and right. He could see footsteps and paw prints as they crisscrossed each other around the labyrinth of the paths.

He blew out ice smoke and rubbed his hands together, he scanned the place looking for anyone and there he could see a girl standing by a graveyard with flowers in her hands. He reckoned the footprints must belong to her, he walked closer to her to see the girl much clearer.

"Rose?" He whispered as he approached the girl.

"You're late. You're 15 minutes late." Rose said turning to him, she was dressed up in a black coat, a black winter scarf, a pair of black gloves and black boots. Her blonde hair was thrown in high ponytail.

"I'm-I'm sorry" Dominic stuttered as the chills began to get the better of him.

"It's okay." Rose responded and smiled.

"I'm sorry but what are we doing here?" Dominic enquired looking completely lost.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Rose responded and shot him a glance.

"No I'm not. I'm serious, what the hell are we doing here?"

"Dominic, It's a month since June passed away." Rose responded and placed the bouquet of flowers on the graveyard.

"What? June?" Dominic asked in confusion.

"Yeah. I miss her so much. I know you're still trying so hard to believe that our best friend is actually gone." Rose said as tears trickled down her cheek.

Dominic squat to the grave headstone to read the name of the deceased on it.

June Madison Sinclair
Dec 11th, 1974. - Dec 4th, 1991.
They can no longer die; for they are like the angels.

The wordings on the grave headstone read, taking Dominic aback in shock as he fell to the ground.

"No! This is impossible!" Dominic said crawling backwards.

"I wish it was." Rose said and sniffle, blowing her nose in a tissue.

"No! It can't be! Get the hell out of my head!" Dominic screamed and burst out a great amount of red flames, catching the trees around, the ground began to crack and Rose look worried.

"Dominic stop it!" Rose said trying to calm his tension down.

"No! This isn't real!" Dominic screamed as June's grave crack open, Green worm-like creatures began crawling towards him in multitudes as he crawled back in fear panting.

JUNE - And the AeternaeWhere stories live. Discover now