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Ocean's Bay Hotel, Grenville, Tennessee. - 08:30 PM

The cold wind of the evening blew past Brandon, ruffling his dark curly hair in the process as he stood at the balcony designed with tinted glass rails watching the pool party happening downstairs. He blew out smoke from his half burnt cigarette and rubbed his palm together, hoping the warmth from the friction would shield him from the chills of the night. He shot a glance at the people diving into the pool and tossing the big beach ball at each other. The music was loud, thrilling guests at the pool as ladies in their respective swimsuits danced to the rhythm.

"Hey Bran! Get your ass down here now!" a guy in yellow shorts holding a glass of champagne yelled at Bran.

"In a minute asshole!" Bran yelled back and blew out the remnant of smoke left from the now finished cigarette. He threw the cigarette on the floor and squashed it with his feet and made his way downstairs.

"This place is so cool man! Finally we've got a five star hotel in Grenville!" Bran's friend said to him as Bran arrived at the pool side.

"Well, it's pretty cool." He responded and scanned the environment. A fountain stood at the side of the pool thrusting water up in various directions. The pool water was ocean blue and warm, smoke from the heated pool escaped from the pool side. The scenery was beautiful. People gathered round the fountain chattering, some where in the pool splashing the heated water at themselves.

"Are you guys having some fun?" the DJ said to the microphone as the crowd screamed "Yeah!" in response.

"Let's do this!" The DJ scratched the vinyl record and changed the music as everyone jumped in excitement.

"Come on man, Cheer up." Bran's friend in yellow shorts said.

"I'm worried about her" Bran responded.

"Scarlett McCarthy? She'll be fine. While she's away, you've got an opportunity to pick any hoe of your choice. Lots of fishes in the sea." Bran's friend said as bran shot him a murderous look.

"Look man, I understand you ain't happy your girl is sick or something. Its not the end of the world, Have some fun."
"Take a look at the girl at the pool side, that's one hell of a meaty ass. what'd you think?" He said as bran shot a glance at the girl.

"Dude stop!" Bran said taking his eyes off the girl in a pink swimsuit.

"Here, take a sip. You'll feel much better." Bran's friend said offering him a glass of wine. Bran took the wine and gulped down the entire quantity at a go.

"How'd you feel?"

"Excellent!" Bran responded.

"Now let's go have some real fun!" His friend sad and smirked as Bran nodded and smirked back.


"Fucking piece of shit! Die you motherfucker! " Larry Forbes said to himself and grinned his teeth as he fired bullets from his machine gun at the zombies.

"Fall back! Fall back!" He screamed as the team took few steps backward still firing at the beasts. A zombies moved in it's supersonic speed and grabbed one of Larry's men and held him up in the air.

"Oh shit!"
"Sniper! 10 O'clock! 10 O'clock!!" Larry Forbes barked an order at his Walkie Talkie. The sniper at the rooftop repositioned his gun to his left direction like Larry Forbes had instructed.

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