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"Holy Shit!" Dominic said in shock as he watched hundreds of the zombies stand up gradually from the bed and cut off the fluid infusion set attached to their body.

Patrick pulled out his cellphone and punched Vivian's digits. A couple of rings after, Vivian picked up.

"Hello Vivian, I want you to activate emergency lock down protocol for block 2A basement now!" Patrick said as he gestured his hands for the kids to leave the basement which they all obliged and left one after another.

"Is there a problem sir?" Vivian asked over the phone.

"Yes there is! Those beasts are about to let loose. Activate the damn protocol now!" Patrick barked as he watched the zombies make their stance.

Vivian initiated the lock down protocol as instructed, the zombies began walking en masse towards the entrance where Patrick still stood to watch their activity.

"I'd be damned!" He said to himself on seeing the zombies move in their Super sonic speed towards him, luckily for him, the lock down protocol became effective right on time. Steel walls began enclosing within the basement leaving the zombies stuck inside and Patrick outside. Patrick dashed out of the basement and ran up the underground staircase to meet with June, Rose and Dominic who were waiting outside.

"Dad are you okay?" June asked as she embraced her father, Patrick was panting and sweating profusely.

"Y-yes." Patrick stuttered trying to catch his breath.

"Dad, what happened down there?"

"They were coming for us, the lock down protocol has been initiated and i got really lucky it got initiated right on time else I'd be dead meat."

"Dad what are we going to do?" June asked worryingly.

"Sweetheart, the lock down protocol is made of Ultra-High Hardness armor steel and its capable of withstanding explosives and bullets, it should keep a hundreds of those zombies at bay while we figure something out. okay?" Patrick said.

"Sure." June responded.

"Y'all don't panic, okay? I'll put a call through to Larry Forbes and inform him of our discovery. Meanwhile, let me get y'all home." Patrick said as the trio nodded and followed him behind to the car. They all took their seats while Patrick started the car and made a reverse to exit the facility's main gate.

"Wait a minute." Patrick said as he tilted the steering.

"is something wrong dad?" June asked.

"What happened to your leg? Where's your crutch?" Patrick enquired and shot a glance at June's left leg.

"Dominic helped me."



"Would you mind telling me how?" Patrick responded and raised a brow, not convinced at June's answer.

"Uhm he gave me this medicine, it's a weird herbal drug for bones and it worked perfectly, I was skeptical at first." June said as Dominic cleared his throat from the back seat. June turned to him and gestured her fingers across her lips telling him to keep his mouth shut.

Patrick scoffed before responding" "Herbal drug huh?" he said.

"Yeah" June responded as Rose tried to contain her laughter from the backseat.

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